
This Month in World War I

A protest in St. Petersburg during the February Revolution
British forces entering Baghdad on 11 March 1917
Western Eastern Italian
Caucasian Middle Eastern Balkan
African Naval Air
Politics Asian and Pacific Gallipoli
Dates Events
January 11 – March 13 British raid the Ancre. Details
February 23 – April 5 The Germans withdraw to the Hindenburg Line. Details
March 1 Arz von Straussenberg replaces Conrad von Hötzendorf as Austro-Hungarian Chief of Staff. Details
March 8–11 The British capture Baghdad. Details
March 13 – April 23 Samarrah Offensive, British capture much of Mesopotamia.
March 15 Russia: Czar Nicholas II abdicates. A provisional government is appointed. Details
March 16 Germany: High altitude (over 17,000 feet) Zeppelins raids on England commence but are ineffective.
March 17 Aristide Briand resigns as Prime Minister of France; he is replaced by Alexandre Ribot.
March 26 First Battle of Gaza. The British attempt to capture the city fails.[1] Details
April–October Stalemate in Southern Palestine.
About The Bugle
First published in 2006, the Bugle is the monthly newsletter of the English Wikipedia's Military history WikiProject.

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  1. ^ Tucker 2005, p. 467.

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