
Map of the Eastern Front in February 1915
Western Eastern Italian
Caucasian Middle Eastern Balkan
African Naval Air
Politics Asian and Pacific Gallipoli
Dates Events
December 20, 1914 – March 17, 1915 First Battle of Champagne.
January 28 – February 3 The Ottomans fail to capture the Suez Canal. Details
January 31 Battle of Bolimov. First German use of chemical weapons. Details
February 4 Germany begins unrestricted submarine warfare against merchant vessels. Details
February 7–22 Second Battle of the Masurian Lakes. The Russian X Army is defeated. Details
February 17–28 Ahead of the Gallipoli Campaign, HMS Ark Royal, with RNAS aircraft, commence air operations. Details
February 19 British and French naval attack on the Dardanelles. The Gallipoli Campaign begins. Details

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