Cannabis Ruderalis

Family tree of the Fourth Dynasty of Egypt, ruling ancient Egypt in the 27th century BCE to the 25th century BCE.


Third DynastyThird Dynasty
Meresankh I
Hetepheres IDouble crown.svg SNEFERU?
Meritites IDouble crown.svg KHUFUHenutsenRahotepNefermaat IItet
DjedefhorMeresankh IIKawabHetepheres IIDouble crown.svg DJEDEFREKhentetkaDouble crown.svg KHAFREKhamerernebty IHemiunu
SetkaBakaNeferhetepesHernetDouble crown.svg MENKAURAKhamerernebty II
Double crown.svg SHEPSESKAFBunefer
Fifth Dynasty
NeferhetepesDouble crown.svg USERKAFKhentkaus IDjedefptahKhamaat

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