
The modern Icelandic occult symbol that shares the name of the object in Norse mythology

The Helm of Awe or Helm of Terror (Icelandic: Ægishjálmur, Old Norse Œgishjalmr) is an object in Norse mythology relating to the hoard protected by the worm Fáfnir and subsequently the name of a modern Icelandic magical stave.

Medieval attestations of the object[edit]

Völsunga saga[edit]

A physical object called the "Helm of Terror" is referenced as one item Sigurð takes from Fafnir's hoard after he slays him in Völsunga saga.[1]


In the prose of Reginsmál, Fáfnir is described as owning the helm and that all living creatures feared it.[2]


The object is also discussed in Fáfnismál in the Poetic Edda, here translated as "Fear-helm":

Old Norse text[3] Bellows translation[4]

Fáfnir kvað:

"Ægishjalm bar ek of alda sonum,
meðan ek of menjum lák;
einn rammari hugðumk öllum vera,
fannk-a ek svá marga mögu."

Sigurðr kvað:

"Ægishjalmr bergr einungi,
hvar skulu vreiðir vega;
þá þat finnr, er með fleirum kemr,
at engi er einna hvatastr."

Fafnir spake:

The fear-helm I wore to afright mankind,
While guarding my gold I lay;
Mightier seemed I than any man,
For a fiercer never I found.

Sigurth spake:

"The fear-helm surely no man shields
When he faces a valiant foe;
Oft one finds, when the foe he meets,
That he is not the bravest of all."

In the next stanzas of the poem, Sigurð refers to the helm again:

Old Norse text[5] Bellows translation[6]
"Inn fráni ormr, þú gerðir fræs mikla
ok galzt harðan hug;
heift at meiri verðr hölða sonum,
at þann hjalm hafi."
"Glittering worm, thy hissing was great,
And hard didst show thy heart;
But hatred more | have the sons of men
For him who owns the helm."

Origin of the Stave[edit]

The first recorded appearance of the symbol came from the Galdrakver written in 1670 and recovered from the collection of Bishop Hannes Finnsson by Jón Árnason and rebound in 1865.[7]

Link between the item and symbol[edit]

While it is debated whether the Helm of Awe may have been an actual helm, in Medieval sources, it never references a symbol such as that recorded in the modern period. The meaning of the word used to define the helm seemed to change as years went on, going from a physical object to a voracious trait of striking fear into one with a glance.[8][unreliable source?]

See also[edit]

  • Sigil - a type of magical symbol
  • Vegvísir - another Icelandic magical stave first recorded in the modern period


  1. ^ Byock, Jesse. The Saga of the Volsungs. London: Penguin, 1999, pp. 66.
  2. ^ Bellows 2004, Reginsmol: prose prelude to stanza 15.
  3. ^ Fáfnismál (ON), Stanza 16 & 17.
  4. ^ Bellows 2004, Fafnismol: stanzas 16 & 17.
  5. ^ Fáfnismál (ON), Stanza 19.
  6. ^ Bellows 2004, Fafnismol: stanzas 19.
  7. ^ "Galdrakver". (in Icelandic and Latin). p. 26. Archived from the original on 27 April 2022. Retrieved 12 March 2024.
  8. ^ Storesund.




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