
The concurrent mark sweep collector (concurrent mark-sweep collector, concurrent collector or CMS)[1] was a mark-and-sweep garbage collector in the Oracle HotSpot Java virtual machine (JVM) available since version 1.4.1. It was deprecated on version 9[2] and removed on version 14,[3] so from Java 15 it is no longer available.[4][5]

HotSpot garbage collectors[edit]

The HotSpot JVM selects the default garbage collector based on several factors.[6] The newer garbage-first collector (G1) was planned to replace CMS.[7] That change was finally done in version 9.

To launch the JVM with this garbage collector you can add this property to the java command line -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC[8][1] when using java version less than 14.

See also[edit]


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