
A conversation with Unomi


I am running for ArbCom as an independent. I owe no favors and promise only to apply the letter and spirit of wikipedia policy to the cases coming before us. My view is that wikipedia holds incredible promise, not only as a 'paperless encyclopedia' but also as inspiration for other projects incorporating elements of direct democracy. We are here to build a collection of human knowledge, yes, but the process by which we build it will be its greater legacy. To the extent that it is within my purview and that it reflects the consensus of our community as captured by its policies I will try to defend and foster an atmosphere conducive to cooperative and constructive enhancement of our shared project.

I find it of great importance that we look at how we can retain experienced editors and ensure that new editors are not scared off from the get go. While I do not have a list of accomplishments to present I would invite all to read through my edits, earliest first.

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