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TheresNoTime is[edit]

  • an administrator, checkuser and oversighter on the English Wikipedia
  • an administrator on Meta-Wiki
  • a steward globally
  • on IRC as TheresNoTime / tn and Discord as TheresNoTime#0001
  • blogging about Wikipedia
  • still amazed by the pipe trick
  • realising that colons and asterisks really matter
  • wishing T274359 would get fixed

Are you new?[edit]

If so, firstly welcome to Wikipedia! I'm really glad you've decided to contribute to this project, all these pages were made by people just like you 😀

There's a bit of a learning curve here! If you get stuck, you can:

Hold me accountable[edit]






My Todo List +[edit]

Other things[edit]

Wall of "fame"[edit]

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