Cannabis Ruderalis

If you are finding it hard returning to Wikipedia:Recovering from Wikipediholism, why not set a little reminder for yourself so that every hour on the hour, you are forced to go to that page.

This little Javasript is called annoyMe, I found it on MediaZilla somewhere. Thanks to whoever made it. Anyway, just insert this into your Javascript page. Look for your ⧼Skin⧽ in this list and copy the code in.


  • Vector (default): Special:Mypage/vector.js
  • MinervaNeue: Special:Mypage/minerva.js
  • Modern: Special:Mypage/modern.js
  • MonoBook: Special:Mypage/monobook.js
  • Timeless: Special:Mypage/timeless.js

The Code[edit]

// annoyMe
function annoyMe() {
  var time = +(new Date());
  var remainder = time % annoy.freq;
  if ( remainder < annoy.duration ) return rileMeUp( annoy.duration - remainder );
  annoy_runOnce( function() { rileMeUp( annoy.duration ); }, annoy.freq - remainder );

function rileMeUp( length ) {
  for (var i=0; i<document.links.length; ++i) {
  annoy_runOnce( deRile, length );

function deRile() {
  for (var i=0; i<document.links.length; ++i) {
  annoy_runOnce( function() { rileMeUp( annoy.duration ) }, annoy.freq - annoy.duration );

  freq: 1000*60*60,
  duration: 1000*60, 
  target: '' 
addOnloadHook( annoyMe );

window.annoy_runOnce=function(f, time) {
  var i=annoy_runOnce.timers.length;
  var ff = function () { clearInterval(annoy_runOnce.timers[i]); f() };
  var timer=setInterval(ff, time);

The Bug Page[edit]

Credit goes here for this awesome code! Cheers to Lupin.

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