Cannabis Ruderalis

Committed identity: edbea6cc470daac8f4a1fa4c5c4fc99211d5892d17e699cf0ce7b3ef4ebf2a32433bfc18aa9e1871e3e5e7f5baf1e6ac253bf733e97e0d8593e5b5587bd9929d is a sha512 commitment to this user's real-life identity.

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Hi, my name is Prairie Astronomer. I am a hobbyist programmer and Wikipedia editor. I am also a game troll, usually making troublemakers question their decisions. I usually work on anti-vandalism work, categorizing, occasional copyediting, and other things here on Wikipedia. For those who are interested, I used to have an account called UserboxMaker35 until I forgot my password, so now I am locked out. I try to make every edit I make in good faith. If my account for whatever reason starts doing vandalism and other bad stuff multiple times, ban my account please and email the email on file, I will provide any information required like the hash text for my commited identity.

Counter-Vandalism Work[edit]

Pending changes backlog
(review log)

Level 5
Level 5

Very low backlog


2 pages according to DatBot 08:30, 25 April 2024 (UTC)

Funny instances of vandals I have warned and/or reported:

Trout Button[edit]

Useful Links[edit]

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