Cannabis Ruderalis


My general philosophy is that cool heads, reasonable people, and consensus should be the model of any discussion. I despise POV pushing and situational ethics from any side of the political (or other) spectrum. Just because an article doesn't sound like your propaganda does not mean it's rooted in the propaganda of the opposite extreme. There is a vast grey area of the middle, and this is where truth, if there is such a thing, lives. Anyone who can only see things in black and white, with us or against us sort of perspectives really shouldn't be editing here. Like governance, I think edits here are best made, not by the people who are most charismatic or persuasive or fiery, but by those who are the most reasonable. This often means, well, boring. It's easy to get excited about simplistic world views. But the real world is complicated, and multi-faceted, and often gets deep into the drudgery of detail. Trying to simplify the world to meet your pre-conceived notions, prejudices, or even hopes does not serve well when tyring to come up with objective descriptions of things as they are.

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