Cannabis Ruderalis

)[[== helloooo. Well, My name is Sophia Sheehan and I'm currently very bored and about five minutes ago I began to search through wikipedia and search my own name. Well guess what? No articals on me :o Thats exactly why I'm writing my own artical on me, In case I get famous one day and this page will be worth a whole lot of money. YAY! Okay, well my name is Sophia and I was born on the 18/11/92 and I live in Tasmania which is that little island on the bottom of Australia. =) Hmm, what else do you want to know about me? Well I have lots of friends and some of which include Megan, Sarah H, Sarah C, Claire, Louise, Irini, Immy, Delz and Kelly but I have heaps more that I really cannot be bothered writing. You know what? I wonder if I search my name is google if this page will come up coz I hope it does. =D How awesome will that be. Anyway, I'm going to finish this page now mostly coz your probably starting to get bored reading it and I'm starting to ramble on a bit. Cya people! love Soph xx == ]]

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