Cannabis Ruderalis

In differential geometry, a Riemannian manifold (or Riemannian space) (M, g), so called after the German mathematician Bernhard Riemann, is a real, smooth manifold M equipped with a smoothly-varying positive-definite inner product gp on the tangent space TpM at each point p.

The family gp of inner products is called a Riemannian metric (or a Riemannian metric tensor, or just a metric). It is a special case of a metric tensor. Riemannian geometry is the study of Riemannian manifolds.

A Riemannian metric makes it possible to define many geometric notions, including angles, lengths of curves, areas of surfaces, higher-dimensional analogues of area (volumes, etc.), extrinsic curvature of submanifolds, and the intrinsic curvature of the manifold itself.

The requirement that gp is smoothly-varying amounts to that for any smooth coordinate chart (U, x) on M, the n2 functions

are smooth functions, i.e., they are infinitely differentiable. The section Riemannian manifolds with continuous metrics handles the case where the are merely continuous.


Riemannian manifolds were first conceptualized by Bernhard Riemann.

In 1827, Carl Friedrich Gauss made a distinction between the intrinsic and extrinsic properties for surfaces in 3-dimensional space. A property of a surface is extrinsic if might change when a map that preserves local distance measurements, called a local isometry, is applied to it. However, the abstract surface itself has properties that remain unchanged under local isometries. These properties are called intrinsic. Gauss's Theorema Egregium ("remarkable theorem" in Latin) says that the Gaussian curvature of a surface does not change if a local isometry is applied to the surface. In other words, the Gaussian curvature of a surface is an intrinsic property.

Riemannian manifolds were first defined by Bernhard Riemann. They generalized the classical theory of surfaces to higher-dimensional manifolds.

Elie Cartan introduced the Cartan connection, one of the first concepts of a connection. Levi-Civita defined the Levi-Civita connection, a special connection on a Riemannian manifold.

Albert Einstein used the theory of pseudo-Riemannian manifolds (a generalization of Riemannian manifolds) to develop general relativity. In particular, his equations for gravitation are constraints on the curvature of spacetime. Other applications of Riemannian geometry include computer graphics and artificial intelligence.


Riemannian metrics and Riemannian manifolds[edit]

The tangent plane of the sphere with two vectors in it. A Riemannian metric allows one to take the inner product of these vectors.

Let be a smooth manifold. For each point , there is an associated vector space called the tangent space of at . Vectors in are thought of as the vectors tangent to at .

However, does not come equipped with an inner product, which would give tangent vectors a concept of length and angle. This is an important deficiency because calculus teaches that to calculate the length of a curve, the length of vectors tangent to the curve must be defined.

A Riemannian metric on assigns to each a positive-definite inner product in a smooth way (see the section on regularity below). This induces a norm defined by . A smooth manifold endowed with a Riemannian metric is a Riemannian manifold, denoted . A Riemannian metric is a special case of a metric tensor.

The Riemannian metric in coordinates[edit]

If are smooth local coordinates on , the vectors

form a basis of the vector space for any . Relative to this basis, one can define the Riemannian metric's components at each point by

These functions can be put together into an matrix-valued function on . The requirement that is a positive-definite inner product then says exactly that this matrix-valued function is a symmetric positive-definite matrix at .

In terms of the tensor algebra, the Riemannian metric can be written in terms of the dual basis of the cotangent bundle as

Regularity of the Riemannian metric[edit]

The Riemannian metric is continuous if its components are continuous in any smooth coordinate chart The Riemannian metric is smooth if its components are smooth in any smooth coordinate chart. One can consider many other types of Riemannian metrics in this spirit, such as Lipschitz Riemannian metrics or measurable Riemannian metrics.

There are situations in which the metrics are not smooth. Riemannian metrics produced by methods of geometric analysis, in particular, can be less than smooth. See for instance (Gromov 1999) and (Shi and Tam 2002). The section Riemannian manifolds with continuous metrics handles the case where is merely continuous, but is assumed to be smooth in this article unless stated otherwise.


An isometry is a function between Riemannian manifolds which preserves all of the structure of Riemannian manifolds. If two Riemannian manifolds have an isometry between them, they are called isometric, and they are considered to be the same manifold for the purpose of Riemannian geometry.

Specifically, if and are two Riemannian manifolds, a diffeomorphism is called an isometry if , that is, if

for all and For example, translations and rotations are both isometries from to itself.

One says that a smooth map not assumed to be a diffeomorphism, is a local isometry if every has an open neighborhood such that is an isometry (and thus a diffeomorphism).


Euclidean space[edit]

Let denote the standard coordinates on The (canonical) Euclidean metric is given by

or equivalently

or equivalently by its coordinate functions

where is the Kronecker delta.[1]

The Riemannian manifold is called Euclidean space.


The sphere with the round metric is an embedded Riemannian submanifold of .

Let be a Riemannian manifold and let be an immersed submanifold or an embedded submanifold of . The pullback of is a Riemannian metric on , and is said to be a Riemannian submanifold of .[2]

In the case where , the map is given by and the metric is just the restriction of to vectors tangent along . In general, the formula for is


where is the pushforward of by


  • The -sphere is a smooth embedded submanifold of with its standard metric.[3] The Riemannian metric this induces on is called the round metric or standard metric.
  • An ellipsoid in is a smooth embedded submanifold of with its standard metric.
  • The graph of a smooth function is a smooth embedded submanifold of with its standard metric.
  • If is not simply connected, there is a covering map , where is the universal cover of . This is an immersion, so the universal cover of any Riemannian manifold automatically inherits a Riemannian metric.[citation needed] More generally, but by the same principle, any covering space of a Riemannian manifold inherits a Riemannian metric.

On the other hand, if already has a Riemannian metric , then the immersion (or embedding) is called an isometric immersion (or isometric embedding) if . Hence isometric immersions and isometric embeddings are Riemannian submanifolds.[2]


Let and be two Riemannian manifolds, and consider the product manifold . The Riemannian metrics and naturally put a Riemannian metric on which can be described in a few ways.

  • Considering the decomposition one may define
  • If is a smooth coordinate chart on and is a smooth coordinate chart on , then is a smooth coordinate chart on Let be the representation of in the chart and let be the representation of in the chart . The representation of in the coordinates is
    where [4]

For example, the n-torus is defined as the n-fold product If one gives each copy of its standard Riemannian metric, considering as an embedded submanifold, then one can consider the product Riemannian metric on It is called a flat torus.

Positive combinations of metrics[edit]

Let be Riemannian metrics on If are any positive numbers, then is another Riemannian metric on

Every smooth manifold admits a Riemannian metric[edit]

Theorem: Every smooth manifold admits a (non-canonical) Riemannian metric.

This is a fundamental result. Although much of the basic theory of Riemannian metrics can be developed using only that a smooth manifold is a locally Euclidean topological space, for this result it is necessary to use that smooth manifolds are Hausdorff and paracompact. The reason is that the proof makes use of a partition of unity.

Proof that every smooth manifold admits a Riemannian metric

Let be a smooth manifold and a locally finite atlas so that are open subsets and are diffeomorphisms. Such an atlas exists because the manifold is paracompact.

Let be a differentiable partition of unity subordinate to the given atlas, i.e. such that for all .

Define a Riemannian metric on by



Here is the Euclidean metric on and is its pullback along . While is only defined on , the product is defined and smooth on since . It takes the value 0 outside of . Because the atlas is locally finite, at every point the sum contains only finitely many nonzero terms, so the sum converges.

Now one needs to check that is actually a Riemannian metric. That is, one needs to check that is smooth at and that for fixed it is positive-definite, symmetric, and linear in the first argument. Symmetry is verified as follows:


Linearity in the first argument is verified as follows:


Positive-definiteness is verified as follows:

for .

Because the atlas is locally finite, has a neighborhood on which the sum contains only finitely many nonzero terms. On this neighborhood, is a finite sum of smooth functions. Therefore is smooth at .

An alternative proof uses the Whitney embedding theorem to embed into Euclidean space and then pulls back the metric from Euclidean space to . On the other hand, the Nash embedding theorem states that, given any smooth Riemannian manifold there is an embedding for some such that the pullback by of the standard Riemannian metric on is That is, the entire structure of a smooth Riemannian manifold can be encoded by a diffeomorphism to a certain embedded submanifold of some Euclidean space. Therefore, one could argue that nothing can be gained from the consideration of abstract smooth manifolds and their Riemannian metrics. However, there are many natural smooth Riemannian manifolds, such as the set of rotations of three-dimensional space and the hyperbolic space, of which any representation as a submanifold of Euclidean space will fail to represent their remarkable symmetries and properties as clearly as their abstract presentations do.

Metric space structure[edit]

An admissible curve is a piecewise smooth curve whose velocity is nonzero everywhere it is defined. The nonnegative function is defined on the interval except for at finitely many points. The length of an admissible curve is defined as


The integrand is bounded and continuous except at finitely many points, so it is integrable. For a connected Riemannian manifold, define by

Theorem: is a metric space, and the metric topology on coincides with the topology on .[5]

Proof sketch that is a metric space, and the metric topology on agrees with the topology on

In verifying that satisfies all of the axioms of a metric space, the most difficult part is checking that implies . Verification of the other metric space axioms is omitted.

There must be some precompact open set around p which every curve from p to q must escape. By selecting this open set to be contained in a coordinate chart, one can reduce the claim to the well-known fact that, in Euclidean geometry, the shortest curve between two points is a line. In particular, as seen by the Euclidean geometry of a coordinate chart around p, any curve from p to q must first pass though a certain "inner radius." The assumed continuity of the Riemannian metric g only allows this "coordinate chart geometry" to distort the "true geometry" by some bounded factor.

To be precise, let be a smooth coordinate chart with and Let be an open subset of with By continuity of and compactness of there is a positive number such that for any and any where denotes the Euclidean norm induced by the local coordinates. Let R denote to be used at the final step of the proof.

Now, given any admissible curve from p to q, there must be some minimal such that clearly

The length of is at least as large as the restriction of to So

The integral which appears here represents the Euclidean length of a curve from 0 to , and so it is greater than or equal to R. So we conclude

The observation about comparison between lengths measured by g and Euclidean lengths measured in a smooth coordinate chart, also verifies that the metric space topology of coincides with the original topological space structure of .

Although the length of a curve is given by an explicit formula, it is generally impossible to write out the distance function by any explicit means. In fact, if is compact, there always exist points where is non-differentiable, and it can be remarkably difficult to even determine the location or nature of these points, even in seemingly simple cases such as when is an ellipsoid.


The diameter of the metric space is

The Hopf–Rinow theorem shows that if is complete and has finite diameter, it is compact. Conversely, if is compact, then the function has a maximum, since it is a continuous function on a compact metric space. This proves the following.

If is complete, then it is compact if and only if it has finite diameter.

This is not the case without the completeness assumption; for counterexamples one could consider any open bounded subset of a Euclidean space with the standard Riemannian metric.

More generally, and with the same one-line proof, every compact metric space has finite diameter. However, it is not true that a complete metric space of finite diameter must be compact. For an example of a complete and non-compact metric space of finite diameter, consider

with the uniform metric

So, although all of the terms in the above corollary of the Hopf–Rinow theorem involve only the metric space structure of it is important that the metric is induced from a Riemannian manifold.

Connections, geodesics, and curvature[edit]


An (affine) connection is an additional structure on a Riemannian manifold that defines differentiation of one vector field with respect to another. Connections contain geometric data, and two Riemannian manifolds with different connections have different geometry.

Let denote the space of vector fields on . An (affine) connection

on is a bilinear map such that

  1. For any function , ,
  2. The product rule holds.[6]

The expression is called the covariant derivative of with respect to .

Levi-Civita connection[edit]

Two Riemannian manifolds with different connections have different geometry. Thankfully, there is a natural connection associated to a Riemannian manifold called the Levi-Civita connection.

There are two extra conditions a connection could satisfy:

  1. is parallel with respect to if ,
  2. is torsion-free if , where is the Lie bracket.

A torsion-free connection for which is parallel with respect to is called a Levi-Civita connection. Once a Riemannian metric is fixed, there exists a unique Levi-Civita connection.[7]

Covariant derivative along a curve[edit]

If is a smooth curve, a smooth vector field along is a smooth map such that for all . The set of smooth vector fields along is a vector space under pointwise vector addition and scalar multiplication.[8] One can also pointwise multiply a smooth vector field along by a smooth function :

for .

Let be a smooth vector field along . If is a smooth vector field on a neighborhood of the image of such that , then is called an extension of .

Given a fixed connection on and a smooth curve , there is a unique operator , called the covariant derivative along , such that:

  1. ,
  2. ,
  3. If is an extension of , then .[9]


In Euclidean space , the maximal geodesics are straight lines.
In the round sphere , the maximal geodesics are great circles.

Geodesics are curves with no intrinsic acceleration. They are the generalization of straight lines in Euclidean space to arbitrary Riemannian manifolds.

Fix a connection on . Let be a smooth curve. The acceleration of is the vector field along . If for all , is called a geodesic.[10]

For every and , there exists a geodesic defined on some open interval containing 0 such that and . Any two such geodesics agree on their common domain.[11] Taking the union over all open intervals containing 0 on which a geodesic satisfying and exists, one obtains a geodesic called a maximal geodesic of which every geodesic satisfying and is a restriction.[12]


  • The nonconstant maximal geodesics of with its standard Riemannian metric are exactly the straight lines.[12]
  • The nonconstant maximal geodesics of with the round metric are exactly the great circles.

Hopf–Rinow theorem[edit]

The punctured plane is not geodesically complete because the maximal geodesic with initial conditions , does not have domain .

The Riemannian manifold with its Levi-Civita connection is geodesically complete if the domain of every maximal geodesic is .[13]. The plane is geodesically complete. On the other hand, the punctured plane with the restriction of the Riemannian metric from is not geodesically complete as the maximal geodesic with initial conditions , does not have domain .

The Hopf–Rinow theorem characterizes geodesically complete manifolds.

Theorem: Let be a connected Riemannian manifold. The following are equivalent:

  • The metric space is complete (every -Cauchy sequence converges),
  • A subset of is compact if and only if it is closed and -bounded,
  • is geodesically complete.

Parallel transport[edit]

Parallel transport of a tangent vector along a curve in the sphere.

In Euclidean space, all tangent spaces are canonically identified with each other via translation, so it is easy to move vectors from one tangent space to another. Parallel transport is a way of moving vectors from one tangent space to another along a curve in the setting of a general Riemannian manifold. Given a fixed connection, there is a unique way to do parallel transport.[14]

Riemann curvature tensor[edit]

The Riemann curvature tensor measures precisely the extent to which parallel transporting vectors around a small rectangle is not the identity map.[15] The Riemann curvature tensor is 0 at every point if and only if the manifold is locally isometric to Euclidean space.[16]

Fix a connection on . The Riemann curvature tensor is the map defined by

where is the Lie bracket of vector fields. The Riemann curvature tensor is a -tensor field.[17]

Ricci curvature tensor[edit]

The Ricci curvature tensor plays a defining role in the theory of Einstein manifolds. Specifically, a (pseudo-)Riemannian metric is called an Einstein metric if Einstein's equation

for some constant


Fix a connection on . The Ricci curvature tensor is

where is the trace. The Ricci curvature tensor is a covariant 2-tensor field.[19]

Scalar curvature[edit]

Riemannian manifolds with continuous metrics[edit]

Throughout this section, Riemannian metrics will be assumed to be continuous but not necessarily smooth.

  • Isometries between Riemannian manifolds with continuous metrics are defined the same as in the smooth case.
  • One can consider Riemannian submanifolds of Riemannian manifolds with continuous metrics. The pullback metric of a continuous metric through a smooth function is still a continuous metric.
  • The product of Riemannian manifolds with continuous metrics is defined the same as in the smooth case and yields a Riemannian manifold with a continuous metric.
  • The positive combination of continuous Riemannian metrics is a continuous Riemannian metric.
  • The length of an admissible curve is defined exactly the same as in the case when the metric is smooth.
  • The metric is defined exactly the same as in the case when the metric is smooth. As before, is a metric space, and the metric topology on coincides with the topology on .[citation needed]

Infinite-dimensional manifolds[edit]

The statements and theorems above are for finite-dimensional manifolds—manifolds whose charts map to open subsets of These can be extended, to a certain degree, to infinite-dimensional manifolds; that is, manifolds that are modeled after a topological vector space; for example, Fréchet, Banach and Hilbert manifolds.


Riemannian metrics are defined in a way similar to the finite-dimensional case. However there is a distinction between two types of Riemannian metrics:

  • A weak Riemannian metric on is a smooth function such that for any the restriction is an inner product on
  • A strong Riemannian metric on is a weak Riemannian metric, such that induces the topology on Note that if is not a Hilbert manifold then cannot be a strong metric.


  • If is a Hilbert space, then for any one can identify with By setting for all one obtains a strong Riemannian metric.
  • Let be a compact Riemannian manifold and denote by its diffeomorphism group. The latter is a smooth manifold (see here) and in fact, a Lie group. Its tangent bundle at the identity is the set of smooth vector fields on Let be a volume form on Then one can define the weak Riemannian metric, on Let Then for and define The weak Riemannian metric on induces vanishing geodesic distance, see Michor and Mumford (2005).

Metric space structure[edit]

Length of curves is defined in a way similar to the finite-dimensional case. The function is defined in the same manner and is called the geodesic distance. In the finite-dimensional case, the proof that this function is a metric uses the existence of a pre-compact open set around any point. In the infinite case, open sets are no longer pre-compact and so this statement may fail.

  • If is a strong Riemannian metric on , then separates points (hence is a metric) and induces the original topology.
  • If is a weak Riemannian metric but not strong, may fail to separate points or even be degenerate.

For an example of the latter, see Valentino and Daniele (2019).

Hopf–Rinow theorem[edit]

In the case of strong Riemannian metrics, part of the finite-dimensional Hopf–Rinow still works.

Theorem: Let be a strong Riemannian manifold. Then metric completeness (in the metric ) implies geodesic completeness.

A proof can be found in (Lang 1999, Chapter VII, Section 6). The other statements of the finite-dimensional case may fail. An example can be found here.

If is a weak Riemannian metric, then no notion of completeness implies the other in general.

See also[edit]



  1. ^ Lee 2018, p. 12-13.
  2. ^ a b Lee 2018, p. 15.
  3. ^ Lee 2018, p. 16.
  4. ^ a b Lee 2018, p. 20.
  5. ^ Lee 2018, p. 39.
  6. ^ Lee 2018, p. 89-91.
  7. ^ Lee 2018, p. 122-123.
  8. ^ Lee 2018, p. 100.
  9. ^ Lee 2018, p. 101-102.
  10. ^ Lee 2018, p. 103.
  11. ^ Lee 2018, p. 103-104.
  12. ^ a b Lee 2018, p. 105.
  13. ^ Lee 2018, p. 131.
  14. ^ Lee 2018, p. 105-110.
  15. ^ Lee 2018, p. 201.
  16. ^ Lee 2018, p. 200.
  17. ^ Lee 2018, p. 196-197.
  18. ^ Lee 2018, p. 210.
  19. ^ Lee 2018, p. 207.


  • Lee, John M. (2018). Introduction to Riemannian Manifolds. Springer-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-319-91754-2.
  • do Carmo, Manfredo (1992). Riemannian geometry. Basel: Birkhäuser. ISBN 978-0-8176-3490-2.
  • Gromov, Misha (1999). Metric structures for Riemannian and non-Riemannian spaces (Based on the 1981 French original ed.). Birkhäuser Boston, Inc., Boston, MA. ISBN 0-8176-3898-9.
  • Jost, Jürgen (2008). Riemannian Geometry and Geometric Analysis (5th ed.). Berlin: Springer-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-540-77340-5.
  • Shi, Yuguang; Tam, Luen-Fai (2002). "Positive mass theorem and the boundary behaviors of compact manifolds with nonnegative scalar curvature". J. Differential Geom. 62 (1): 79–125. arXiv:math/0301047. doi:10.4310/jdg/1090425530. S2CID 13841883.
  • Lang, Serge (1999). Fundamentals of differential geometry. New York: Springer-Verlag. ISBN 978-1-4612-0541-8.
  • Magnani, Valentino; Tiberio, Daniele (2020). "A remark on vanishing geodesic distances in infinite dimensions". Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 148 (1): 3653–3656. arXiv:1910.06430. doi:10.1090/proc/14986. S2CID 204578276.
  • Michor, Peter W.; Mumford, David (2005). "Vanishing geodesic distance on spaces of submanifolds and diffeomorphisms". Documenta Math. 10: 217–245. arXiv:math/0409303. doi:10.4171/dm/187. S2CID 69260.

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