
Verbal memory is a term used in cognitive psychology which refers to memory of words and other abstractions involving language.

Verbal encoding[edit]

Verbal encoding refers to the interpretation of verbal stimuli. Verbal encoding appears to be strongly left-lateralized in the medial temporal lobe of the human brain; however, its functional neuroanatomy can vary between individuals.[1]

Verbal recall[edit]

Verbal recall refers to the recollection of verbal information. Although left-lateralization is typically associated with language, studies suggest that symmetrical bi-lateralization of language in the brain is advantageous to verbal recall.[2]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ A. Jansen, A.; Sehlmeyer, C.; Pfleiderer, B.; Sommer, J.; Konrad, C.; Zwitserlood, P.; Knecht S. "Assessment of Verbal Memory by fMRI: Lateralization and Functional Neuroanatomy". Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. Volume 111, Issue 1. pp. 57–62.
  2. ^ Catani*,†,‡,§, Marco; Allin†, Matthew P.G.; Husain¶, Masud; Pugliese*, Lucas; Mesulam‖, Marsel M.; Murray†, Robin M.; Jones**, Derek K. "Symmetries in Human Brain Language Pathways Correlate with Verbal Recall. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

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