
Mbukushu is a traditional Kavango kingdom on the territory of today's Namibia, Botswana, Zambia and Angola. Its people speak the Mbukushu language.[1] As of 2016, the Mbukushu are said to comprise 20,000 to 44,000 people.[2][3] There are said to be around 20,000 Mbukushu in Botswana (as of 2004), around 6,900 in Namibia (2002), 5,000 in Zambia and 4,000 in Angola.[4]

The orarion? of Hambukushu these people moved from central Africa to the southern part of the continent specifically Kenya. They migrated coming in Zimbabwe they left out of Zimbabwe, they said (muwathiye harare) meaning let them sleep is were the name of Zimbabwe's capital city was driven. They got into Zambia in Baloza land where they got the Lozi king Mwanawina III (1960) in the northern Rhodesia then drew in along the Zambesi River finally to Kavango.


The Hambukushu, also known as Hakokuhu, form an ethnic group indigenous to the lands along the Kavango River in Namibia, Botswana and Angola, as well as in they are found in Zambia. This Bantu-speaking community has a rich cultural heritage deeply intertwined with the unique ecological environment of the vegetation along the Kavango River. The Hambukushu are one of the five (5) kingdoms of the Kavango people.

Geography and Settlements[edit]

The majority of Hambukushu are concentrated along the Kavango River and surrounding lands, an ecologically diverse area that includes the Okavango Delta. This region, characterized by its lush vegetation, intricate waterways, and abundant wildlife, significantly influences the traditional livelihoods and cultural practices of the Hambukushu.

The Hambukushu settlements often align with the natural resources of the Kavango River and surrounding lands. Villages are strategically located near water sources, reflecting the community's reliance on fishing, farming, and livestock keeping.

It is one of the biggest trouble in Namibia. Some thimbukushu speaking people live in Zambezi region along the Kwandu river starting from Singalamwe to Dishi (lizauli) including the line of Sachona until Muguza

Language and Communication[edit]

The Hambukushu speak a Bantu language known as Mbukushu language. This language, characterized by its linguistic nuances, plays a pivotal role in preserving and transmitting cultural traditions, folklore, and historical narratives. Oral traditions are paramount in Hambukushu society, with storytelling and oral history passing down from generation to generation.

The linguistic diversity within the Hambukushu community may exhibit regional variations, contributing to the uniqueness of their cultural identity.

Social Structure and Community Life[edit]

The social structure of the Hambukushu is organized around extended families and clans. Family ties are crucial, and communal values underscore the importance of mutual support within the community. Elders hold significant roles, serving as repositories of wisdom and custodians of cultural practices.

Community life is marked by collective celebrations, rituals, and ceremonies. Initiation rites, marriage ceremonies, and communal events contribute to the cohesion and identity of the Hambukushu.

Livelihoods and Economic Activities[edit]

Traditional Hambukushu livelihoods are intricately connected to the natural resources of the Kavango River and surrounding lands. Fishing, a historically vital activity, provides sustenance and economic opportunities. Agriculture and livestock keeping complement their subsistence economy, with crops cultivated in fertile areas and livestock grazed in available grasslands.

The seasonal patterns of the Kavango River and surrounding lands influence the Hambukushu calendar, shaping their agricultural and fishing practices.

Cultural Practices and Expressions[edit]

The Hambukushu have a rich cultural fabric, expressed through music, dance, art, and spiritual practices. Traditional songs, often accompanied by vibrant dances, are integral to their cultural expressions. Rituals and ceremonies, such as those dedicated to ancestors and spirits, play a central role in reinforcing the community's spiritual bonds.

Artisanal crafts, including pottery and basket weaving, showcase the Hambukushu's artistic skills and cultural identity.

Challenges and Modern Influences[edit]

While the Hambukushu strive to preserve their cultural heritage, modern influences and external factors pose challenges. Environmental changes, economic pressures, and globalization impact the traditional way of life for the Hambukushu. The introduction of modern technology, changes in land use, and external economic influences may contribute to shifts in their cultural practices.

Efforts to address these challenges often involve a delicate balance between preserving cultural identity and adapting to the evolving socio-economic landscape.

At A Glance[edit]

The Hambukushu, with their deep connection to the Kavango River, represent a vibrant and resilient community. Their cultural practices, language, and social organization are integral components of the broader southern African cultural landscape. As the Hambukushu navigate the complexities of the modern world, their cultural heritage remains a testament to the endurance of traditions in the face of change.

Notable Locations within the Hambukushu Kingdom[edit]


  1. ^ "Thimbukushu language". Retrieved 2024-01-28.
  2. ^ "Mbukushu Language Sample | Language Museum". Retrieved 2024-01-28.
  3. ^ " - Mbukushu of Namibia". Retrieved 2024-01-28.
  4. ^ "Mbukushu | Ethnologue Free". Ethnologue (Free All). Retrieved 2024-01-28.
  • World
  • Maria Fisch, The Mbukushu in Angola (1730-2002): A History of Migration, Flight and Royal Rainmaking, Colónia/Alemanha: Koeppe Verlag, 2005

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