
This is a list of state leaders in the 14th century (1301–1400) AD, except for the many leaders within the Holy Roman Empire.


Africa: Central[edit]




To the Bornu Empire in West Africa

Africa: East[edit]

Great Lakes area


Horn of Africa area

  • Minjo, King (c.1390)
  • Garaad Dhidhin, Sultan (1298–1311)
  • Garaad Hamar Gale, Sultan (1311–1328)
  • Garaad Ibrahim, Sultan (1328–1340)
  • Garaad Omer, Sultan (1340–1355)
  • Garaad Mohamud I, Sultan (1355–1375)
  • Garaad Ciise I, Sultan (1375–1392)
  • Garaad Siciid, Sultan (1392–1409)

Africa: Northeast[edit]


Bahri dynasty
Burji dynasty


Africa: Northcentral[edit]


Africa: Northwest[edit]


Africa: South[edit]


as BaKongo tributary

Africa: West[edit]


  • Udagbedo, Oba (1292–1329)[3]
  • Ohen, Oba (1329–1366)
  • Egbeka, Oba (1366–1397)
  • Orobiru, Oba (1397–1434)

Burkina Faso

  • Untani, Nunbado (1292–1336)
  • Banydoba, Nunbado (1336–1380)
  • Labi Diebo, Nunbado (1380–1395)
  • Tenin, Nunbado (1395–1425)



From the Kanem Empire in Central Africa
  • Oranyan, Alaafin (c.1300–?)
  • Ajaka, Alaafin (14th century)
  • Shango, Alaafin (14th century)
  • Ajaka, Alaafin (14th century)
  • Aganju, Alaafin (?–c.1400)



Americas: North[edit]


  • Macuilxochitl, Tlatoani (1365)[5]
  • Tezcacohuatzin / Ozomatzinteuctli, Tlatoani (1365)[5]
under the Tepanec suzerainty
  • Tetzotzomoc, Tlatoani (1367–1426)[8]
  • Zaachila Yoo, King (1386–1415)

Americas: South[edit]




Asia: Central[edit]


From 1370 on, the Chagatai Khans were puppets of Timur
  • Unaširi, Khan (1380–1393)
  • Engke Temür, Khan (1393–1405)


  • Temür, Khan / Emperor (1294–1307)



  • Khoja bin Taibugha, Khan (?)
  • Tokhtamysh, Khan (1396–1406)


Asia: East[edit]

China: Yuan dynasty

China: Ming dynasty

  • Hongwu, Prince (1364–1368), Emperor (1368–1398)
  • Jianwen, Emperor (1398–1402)

Japan: Main

Japan: Ryukyu Kingdoms

Tributary state of the Ming dynasty
  • Satto, Chief (1355–1397)
  • Bunei, Chief (1398–1406)
Tributary state of the Ming dynasty
Tributary state of the Ming dynasty
  • Haniji, Chief (?–1395)
  • Min, Chief (1396–1400)



Asia: Southeast[edit]




Indonesia: Java
  • Rakeyan Saunggalah, Maharaja (1297–1303)
  • Prabu Citraganda, Maharaja (1303–1311)
  • Prabu Lingga Dewata, Maharaja (1311–1333)
  • Prabu Ajigunawisesa, Maharaja (1333–1340)
  • Prabu Maharaja Lingga Buana, Maharaja (1340–1357)
  • Mangkubumi Suradipati, Maharaja (1357–1371)
  • Prabu Raja Wastu, Maharaja (1371–1475)
Indonesia: Sumatra
  • Al-Malik azh-Zhahir I, Sultan (1297–1326)
  • Ahmad I, Sultan (1326–1330s)
  • Al-Malik azh-Zhahir II, Sultan (1330s–1349)
  • Zainal Abidin I, Sultan (1349–1406)
Indonesia: Kalimantan (Borneo)
  • Aji Batara Agung Dewa Sakti, Sultan (c.1300–1325)
  • Raden Sekarsungsang, ruler (c.1400–15th century)
Indonesia: Sulawesi
  • Tumanurung Baine, Queen (mid 14th century)
  • Tumassalangga Baraya, King (late 14th century)
  • I Puang Lowe Lembang, King (14th/15th century)
  • Anakaji, Datu (1293–1330)
  • Tampa Balusu, Datu (1330–1365)
  • Tanra Balusu, Datu (1365–1402)
Indonesia: Lesser Sunda Islands
Jaya dynasty
  • Mahaguru Dharmottungga Warmadewa, King (before 1324–1328)
  • Walajayakertaningrat, King (1328-?)
  • Śri Astasura Ratna Bumi Banten, King (fl.1332–1337)
Indonesia: Maluku Islands
  • Sele, King (1334–1372)[19]
  • Matagena, King (1372–1405)
  • Bakuku/ Kalabata, King (1298–1304)[citation needed]
  • Ngara Malamo/ Komala, King (1304–1317)
  • Patsaranga Malamo/ Aitsi, King (1317–1322)
  • Cili Aiya/ Sidang Arif Malamo, King (1322–1331)
  • Panji Malamo/ A'ali, King (1331–1332)
  • Shah Alam, King (1332–1343)
  • Tulu Malamo/ Fulu, King (1343–1347)
  • Kie Mabiji/ Buhayati I, King (1347–1350)
  • Ngolo-ma-Kaya/ Muhammad Shah, King (1350–1357)
  • Mamoli/ Momole, King (1357–1359)
  • Gapi Malamo I/ Muhammad Bakar, King (1359–1372)
  • Gapi Baguna I, King (1372–1377)
  • Komala Pulu/ Bessi Muhammad Hassan, King (1377–1432)


Malaysia: Peninsular

  • Tajau, Maharaja (c.1378)
  • Parameswara, Raja of Singapura (1389–1398), Sultan of Malacca (1400–1414)

Myanmar / Burma

  • Athinkhaya, Co-Regent (1297–1310)
  • Yazathingyan, Co-Regent (1297–1313)
  • Thihathu, Co-Regent of Myinsaing (1297–1313), King of Myinsaing–Pinya (1313–1325)
  • Thihathu, Co-Regent of Myinsaing (1297–1313), King of Myinsaing–Pinya (1313–1325)
  • Uzana I, King (1325–1340)
  • Sithu, Regent (1340–1344)
  • Kyawswa I, King (1344–1350)
  • Kyawswa II, King (1350–1359)
  • Narathu, King (1359–1364)
  • Uzana II, King (1364)
  • Thado Minbya, King of Pinya & Sagaing (1364–1365), King of Ava (1365–1367)


  • Paiburong, Datu (13th/14th century)
  • Balengkaka, Datu (14th century)
  • Kalantiaw, Datu (1365–1437)
  • Alho, Rajah (c.14th century)
  • Ukob, Rajah (c.14th century)



  • Mangrai, King of Ngoenyang (1261–1292), King of Lan Na (1292–1311)
  • Chaiyasongkhram, King (1311–1325)
  • Saenphu, King (1325–1334)
  • Khamfu, King (1334–1336)
  • Phayu, King (1336–1355)
  • Kue Na, King (1355–1385)[20]
  • Saenmueangma, King (1385–1401)
Uthong dynasty
Suphannaphum dynasty
Uthong dynasty


Asia: South[edit]

Bengal and Northwest India

  • Vikramadhwajpal, King (1278–1302)
  • Gauradhwajpal, King (1302–1322)
  • Sankhadhwajpal, King (1322–1343)
  • Mayuradhwajpal, King (1343–1361)
  • Jayadhwajpal, King (1361–1383)
  • Karmadhwajpal, King (1383–1401)


  • Anand Deo, Rana (1437–1440)
  • Pratap Deo, Rana (1440–?)
  • Chanchal Deo, Rana (?)
  • Ravi Varma, King (1299–1313)
  • Vira Udaya Martanda Varma, King (1313–1333)
  • Aditya Varma Tiruvadi, King (1333–1335)
  • Vira Rama Udaya Martanda Varma Tiruvadi, King (1335–1342)
  • Vira Kerala Varma Tiruvadi, King (1342–1363)
  • Vira Martanda Varma III, King (1363–1366)
  • Vira Rama Martanda Varma, King (1366–1382)
  • Vira Ravi Varma, King (1383–1416)
  • Narasimha Deva II, King (1279–1306)
  • Bhanu Deva II, King (1306–1328)
  • Narasimha Deva III, King (1328–1352)
  • Bhanu Deva III, King (1352–1378)
  • Narasimha Deva IV, King (1379–1424)
  • Malik Sarwar, Sultan (1394–1399)
  • Malik Qaranfal, Sultan (1399–1402)
  • Jaydeorao Mukne, Raja (?–1400)
  • Nemshah I, Raja (1400–1422)
  • Prataparudra-deva, King (c.1289–1323)
  • Arjunsinhji, Maharana (c.1340–?)
  • Bhansinhji, Maharana (14th–15th century)
  • Prolaya Vema Reddi, King (1325–1353)[22]
  • Anavota Reddi, King (1353–1364)[23]
  • Anavema Reddi, King (1364–1386)[23]
  • Kumaragiri Reddi, King (1386–1402)[23]
  • Kataya Vema Reddi, King (1395–1414)


Theemuge dynasty
Hilaalee dynasty



  • Unar, Jam (1336–1339)
  • Junan, Jam (1339–1352)
  • Banhabina, Jam (1352–1367)
  • Tamachi, Jam (1367–1379)
  • Salahuddin, Jam (1379–1389)
  • Nizamuddin I, Jam (1389–1391)
  • Ali Sher, Jam (1391–1398)
  • Karn, Jam (1398)
  • Fath Khan, Jam (1398–1414)

Sri Lanka

Asia: West[edit]



  • Badr as-Sahab ibn al-Habrali Bu Tuwairik, Sultan (1395–1430)


Europe: Balkans[edit]









Europe: Britain and Ireland[edit]


England and Ireland


  • Brian mac Eochada, King (1283–1311)
  • Ralph/Roolb mac Eochada, King (1311–1314)
  • Mael Sechlainn mac Eochada, King (1314–?)
  • Murchad Mór mac Briain, King (?–1331)
  • Seoan mac Maoilsheachlainn, King (1331–1342)
  • Aodh mac Roolb, King (1342–1344)
  • Murchadh Óg mac Murchada, King (1344–1344)
  • Maghnus mac Eochadha, King (1344–1357)
  • Pilib mac Rooilbh, King (1357–1362)
  • Brian Mór mac Aodh, King (1362–1365)
  • Niall mac Murchadha, King (1365–1368)
  • Brian Mór mac Aodh, King (1368–1371)
  • Pilib Ruadh mac Briain, King (1371–1403)
  • Gilla-Isa Ruaid O'Raigillig, ruler (1327/30)
  • Matha son of Gilla-Isa O'Raigillig, ruler (1304)
  • Mael Sechlainn O'Raigillig, ruler (1328)
  • Richard [Risderd] O'Reilly, ruler (1349–1346/49)
  • Cu Chonnacht O'Reilly, ruler (1362/65)
  • Philip O'Reilly, ruler (1365–1366/69)
  • Magnus O'Reilly, ruler (1366/69–1366/69)
  • Philip O'Reilly, ruler (1366/69–1384)
  • Thomas, King (1384–1390)
  • John, ruler (1390–1400)
  • Gilla-Isa, ruler (1400)
  • Amlaib Ó Ruairc, King (c.1275–1307)
  • Domnall Carrach Ó Ruairc, King (1307–1311)
  • Ualgarg Mór Ó Ruairc, King (1316–1346)
  • Flaithbheartach Ó Ruairc, King (1346–1349)
  • Aodh Bán Ó Ruairc, King (1349–1352)
  • Flaithbheartach Ó Ruairc, King (1352–1352)
  • Tadhg na gCaor Ó Ruairc, King (1352–1376)
  • Gilla Crist Ó Ruairc, Lord (?–1378)
  • Tigernán mór Ó Ruairc, King (1376–1418)
  • Maelruanaidh mac Diarmata, King (1294–1331)
  • Tomaltach gCear mac Diarmata, King (1331–1336)
  • Conchobhair mac Diarmata, King (1336–1343)
  • Ferghal mac Diarmata, King (1343–1368)
  • Aedh mac Diarmata, King (1368–1393)
  • Maelruanaidh mac Diarmata, King (1393–1398)
  • Conchobair Óg mac Diarmata, King (1398–1404)

Europe: Central[edit]

See also List of state leaders in the 14th-century Holy Roman Empire



  • Bolesław II, Duke of Płock (1275–1294), Duke of Masovia (1294–1313)
  • Siemowit III, co-Duke of Warsaw (1341–1349), of Rawa (1345–1349), Duke of Warsaw (1349–1355), of Masovia (1355–1381)
  • Trojden I, Duke of Czersk (1310–1313), Duke of Warsaw (1313–1341)
  • Casimir I, co-Duke of Warsaw (1341–1349), co-Duke of Rawa (1345–1349), Duke of Rawa (1349–1355)
  • Siemowit III, co-Duke of Warsaw (1341–1349), of Rawa (1345–1349), Duke of Warsaw (1349–1355), of Masovia (1355–1381)
  • Janusz I the Elder, Duke (1381–1429)
  • Siemowit II, Duke of Rawa (1313–1345)
  • Casimir I, co-Duke of Warsaw (1341–1349), co-Duke of Rawa (1345–1349), Duke of Rawa (1349–1355)
  • Siemowit III, co-Duke of Warsaw (1341–1349), co-Duke of Rawa (1345–1349), Duke of Warsaw (1349–1355), Duke of Masovia (1355–1381)
  • Siemowit IV the Younger, Duke of Płock and Rawa (1381–1426)

Europe: East[edit]

Europe: Nordic[edit]


Personal union of Denmark and Norway


Personal union of Denmark and Norway


Kalmar Union

  • Margaret I, Queen Regent of Denmark (1387–1412), of Norway (1388–1412), of Sweden (1389–1412)
  • Eric of Pomerania, King (1389–1442)

Europe: Southcentral[edit]

See also List of state leaders in the 14th-century Holy Roman Empire#Italy
  • Azzo VIII, Marquis of Reggio (1293–1306), of Ferrara (1293–1308)
  • Aldobrandino II, Marquis of Modena (1293–1308), of Ferrara (1308–1326)
  • Fresco, Marquis of Ferrara (1308)
  • Rinaldo, Marquis of Ferrara (1317–1335)
  • Niccolò I, Marquis of Ferrara (1317–1344), of Modena (1336–1344)
  • Obizzo III, Marquis of Ferrara (1317–1352), of Modena (1336–1352)
  • Azzo IX, Marquis of Ferrara (1317–1318)
  • Bertoldo I, Marquis of Ferrara (1317–1343)
  • Aldobrandino III, Marquis of Ferrara (1352–1361)
  • Niccolò II the Lame, Marquis of Modena (1352–1388), of Ferrara (1361–1388)
  • Alberto V, Marquis of Ferrara (1361–1393), of Modena (1388–1393)
  • Niccolò III, Marquis of Ferrara and Modena (1393–1441), of Reggio (1405–1441)
From 1309 to 1376 the Papacy was based at Avignon, not Rome.

Southern Italy

Europe: Southwest[edit]

Iberian Peninsula

Marca Hispanica

Europe: West[edit]


Low Countries

Eurasia: Caucasus[edit]

  • Badr I, Shamkhal (1295–1304)
  • Akhsuvar I, Shamkhal (14th century)


Chile: Easter Island

  • Te Tuhunga Hanui, King (?)
  • Te Tuhunga Haroa, King (?)
  • Te Tuhunga "Mare Kapeau", King (?)
  • Toati Rangi Hahe, King (?)
  • Tangaroa Tatarara, King (?)
  • Havini(vini) Koro (or Hariui Koro), King (c.1400)


  • Tuʻitonga Puipui, King (?)
  • Havea I, King (?)
  • Tatafuʻeikimeimuʻa, King (?)
  • Lomiʻaetupuʻa, King (?)

United States: Hawaii

See also[edit]


  1. ^ Dates calculated on the basis of Lange, Diwan, 65-77; id., Kingdoms, 552.
  2. ^ C.F. Beckingham and G.W.B. Huntingford, Some Records of Ethiopia, 1593–1646 (London: Hakluyt Society, 1954), p. lvi. Amnon Orent, "Refocusing on the History of Kafa prior to 1897: A Discussion of Political Processes" in African Historical Studies, Vol. 3, No. 2. (1970), p. 268.
  3. ^ "Oba Ewuare II Coronation Speech 2016". Retrieved 2017-07-09.
  4. ^ Dates calculated on the basis of Lange, Diwan, 77-94; id., Kingdoms, 552.
  5. ^ a b "Cuauhnahuac (Tlahuica / Aztecs) (Mesoamerica)". The History Files. Retrieved June 4, 2019.
  6. ^ "Acamapichtli, "Puñado de cañas" (1375–1395)" [Acamapichtli, "Fistful of Reeds" (1375–1395)]. Arqueologia Mexicana (in Spanish). Retrieved June 3, 2019.
  7. ^ "Huitzilíhuitl, "Pluma de colibrí" (1396–1417)" [Huitzilíhuitl, “Hummingbird Feather” (1396–1417)]. Archeologia Mexicana (in Spanish). Retrieved June 3, 2019.
  8. ^ "Tepanec (Mesoamerica)". The History Files. Retrieved June 4, 2019.
  9. ^ "Zapotecs (Mesoamerica)". The History Files. Retrieved June 4, 2019.
  10. ^ "Qosqo of the Incas". The History Files. Retrieved June 4, 2019.
  11. ^ a b L. Petech (1980), 'Ya-ts'e, Gu-ge, Pu-rang: A new study', The Central Asiatic Journal 24, pp. 85–111; R. Vitali (1996), The kingdoms of Pu.hrang. Dharamsala: Tho.ling gtsug.lag.khang.
  12. ^ Giuseppe Tucci, Tibetan Painted Scrolls. [Rome 1949; Giuseppe Tucci, Deb T'er Dmar Po Gsarma. Rome 1971; Per K. Sørensen & Guntram Hazod, Rulers on the Celestial Plain. Wien 2007; Olaf Czaja, Medieval rule in Tibet, Vol. I-II. Wien 2013.
  13. ^ Nussbaum, "Hisaakira Shinnō" at p. 321.
  14. ^ Nussbaum, "Morikuni Shinnō" at p. 660.
  15. ^ Nussbaum, "Hōjō Sadatoki" at p. 340.
  16. ^ Nussbaum, "Hōjō Morotoki" at p. 340.
  17. ^ Nussbaum, "Hōjō Takatoki" at p. 340.
  18. ^ a b c d e Cœdès, George (1968). The Indianized states of Southeast Asia. University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 9780824803681.
  19. ^ Katoppo, Elvianus (1957) Nuku, Sulthan Sadul Djehad Muhammad el Mabus Amirudin Sjah, Kaitjili Paparangan, Sulthan Tidore. Kilatmadju Bina Budhaja; Widjojo, Muridan (2009) The revolt of Prince Nuku: Cross-cultural alliance-making in Maluku, c. 1780–1810. Leiden: Brill. The exact genealogy of the rulers before the mid-17th century is not known by the local historical tradition; for the known details, see Clercq, F.S.A. de (1890) Bijdragen tot de kennis der Residentie Ternate. Leiden: Brill.
  20. ^ History
  21. ^ Michell, George & Mark Zebrowski. Architecture and Art of the Deccan Sultanates (The New Cambridge History of India Vol. I:7), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999, ISBN 0-521-56321-6, p.274
  22. ^ Somasekhara Sarma, Mallampalli (1946), History of the Reddi Kingdoms (Circa. 1325 A.D., to circa. 144B A.D.), Waltair: Andhra University, p. 47 – via
  23. ^ a b c Somasekhara Sarma 1946, p. 47.
  24. ^ Andrzej Nowakowski (1994). Arms and armour in the medieval Teutonic Order's state in Prussia. Volume 2 of Studies on the history of ancient and medieval art of warfare. Łódź: Oficyna Naukowa MS. ISBN 9788385874010. p. 33.Hans Koeppen (1969). Heinrich Dusemer (in German). Neue Deutsche Biographie, volume 8. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot. ISBN 3428001893. p. 378.
  25. ^ Secondotto, John III and Theodore, who were the sons of Elisabeth, daughter of James III of Majorca, and of John II of Montferrat, have been called dukes. Historiae et Urbium Regionum Italiae rariores, Volume 114, Cronica del Montferrato, Benvenuto Sangiorgio, Arnaldo Forni Editore 1780.
  26. ^ "Battle of the Centuries". Science Reference Services. Library of Congress. 25 July 2016. Retrieved 9 July 2018.

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