
This article is a list of people from the island of Santiago, Cape Verde. This is a list of people native to the island. The list is ordered by current municipality.


Ribeira Grande de Santiago[edit]

Santa Catarina[edit]

Santa Cruz[edit]

São Domingos[edit]

São Lourenço dos Órgãos[edit]

São Miguel[edit]

  • Meno Fernandes, current mayor of the municipality of São Miguel
  • Nho Agostinho, former leader of the Rabelados movement
  • Moisés Lopes Pereira, current leader of the Rabelados movement in Espinho Branco
  • Teodoro Mendes Tavares, current bishop of a diocese in Brazil
  • Tchetcho, Rabelado painter


Locality not listed[edit]


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