
Homo is the taxonomical genus that includes modern humans (Homo sapiens sapiens).

Homo may also refer to:

Latin and Greek terms[edit]

  • Homo, Latin for "man", "human being", see Human
  • Homo-, Greek prefix expressing the notion of "same, identical"
    • Homo, an abbreviation for homogenized milk
    • Homo-, in chemistry, a prefix indicating a homolog, an organic analog of next higher straight chain/ring size at some part of molecule
    • Homo (slang), an abbreviation for "homosexual", generally offensive

People with the name[edit]

Arts, entertainment, and media[edit]

Other uses[edit]

  • HOMO, in chemistry, highest occupied molecular orbital
  • HomO, the Swedish Ombudsman against Discrimination on Grounds of Sexual Orientation

See also[edit]

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