
Container for Providing Aromatic Sampling and Visualization of Contents

WT Smith, CA Smith – US Patent 20,160,318,672, 2016 –
5 days ago – Aspects of the present invention disclose and describe a container
for displaying, visualizing, and aroma sampling botanical materials—such as
tea, cannabis, and the like including a container.

Saying no to weed: Public opinion towards cannabis legalisation in Uruguay

JM Cruz, MF Boidi, R Queirolo – Drugs: Education, Prevention and …, 2016 – Taylor & Francis
6 days ago – Abstract Aims: This research aimed to explore people’s beliefs associated with
opposition to cannabis legalisation in Uruguay. In 2014, Uruguay passed a national law
regulating the production, sale and consumption of recreational marijuana. However, two-

Marijuana use in acute coronary syndromes

EI Draz, MM Oreby, EA Elsheikh, LA Khedr… – The American Journal …, 2016 – Taylor & Francis
6 days ago – ABSTRACT Background: Cannabis is one of the most widely used illicit
substances worldwide, and it has the highest prevalence among drugs used in Egypt.
Objectives: The aims were to evaluate whether the use of cannabis

PASS: School-based prevention addressing cannabis culture-related beliefs

S Holm, J Tolstrup – Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 2016 – Taylor & Francis
6 days ago – Abstract This paper presents the rationale and content of PASS, a Danish
school-based prevention program targeting cannabis-culture-related beliefs among high
school students (ie typically 15–19 years). The objective of the program is to prevent or

Quantitative analyses of synergistic responses between cannabidiol and DNA-damaging agents on the proliferation and viability of glioblastoma and neural progenitor …

L Deng, L Ng, T Ozawa, N Stella – Journal of Pharmacology and …, 2016 – ASPET
6 days ago – Downloaded from Page 5. JPET #236968 5 Abstract Evidence
suggests that the non-psychotropic cannabis-derived compound, cannabidiol (CBD), has
anti-neoplastic activity in multiple types of cancers, including glioblastoma multiforme (GBM

Dental Fear

SE Grafton, PN Huang, AR Vieira –
8 days ago – The more lenient cannabis regulations tend to make people, especially young adults,
less aware of the risks associated with its use. Grafton SE, Huang PN, Vieira AR: Dental treatment
planning considerations for patients using cannabis: A case report.

Vietinių pluoštinių medžiagų pritaikymas Eko baldų dizainui

I Valentinienė – 2016 –
8 days ago – Linum usitatissimum L.), didžiosios (pluoštinės) dilgėlės (lot. Urtica dioica
L.) ir sėjamosios kanapės (lot. Cannabis sativa). Urtica dioica L.) and hemp (lot. Cannabis
sativa), and patented. The said plants grow naturally in Lithuania.

Herb Is for the Healing of the Nation!

DVNYM Botchway, C Prempeh – Food Cults: How Fads, Dogma, …, 2016 –
8 days ago – Chapter Fourteen “Herb Is for the Healing of the Nation!” Marijuana as a Consumable
Vegetable among Ghetto Muslim Youth of Maamobi in Accra, Ghana De-Valera NYM Botchway
and Charles Prempeh The consumption and use of marijuana (Cannabis sativa) are

[HTML] A study of tobacco and substance abuse among mentally ill outpatients in a tertiary care general hospital

A Gupta, D Gauba, T Bhatia, SN Deshpande – Journal of Mental Health …, 2016 –
9 days ago – Tobacco and alcohol were found to be the most common substances of abuse,
followed by cannabis. Tobacco was found to be the most common substance of abuse with the
rate of 24.8% followed by alcohol (15.4%) and cannabis (2.5%) for current use.

Chronic Cannabis Use Is Associated With Impaired Fear Extinction in Humans.

S Papini, LM Ruglass, T Lopez-Castro… – Journal of abnormal …, 2016 –
9 days ago – The use of fear conditioning and extinction paradigms to examine intermediate
phenotypes of anxiety and stress-related disorders has facilitated the identification of
neurobiological mechanisms that underlie specific components of abnormal psychological

Pros and cons of medical cannabis use by people with chronic brain disorders.

U Suryadevara, DM Bruijnzeel, M Nuthi… – Current …, 2016 –
9 days ago – BACKGROUND: Cannabis is the most widely used illicit drug in the world and
there is growing concern about the mental health effects of cannabis use. These concerns
are at least partly due to the strong increase in recreational and medical cannabis use and

[PDF] Déterminants des intentions de rester non-consommateur ou de réduire ses consommations d’alcool, de tabac ou de cannabis chez les 15-25 ans

E du Roscoät, C Cogordan, R Guignard, JL Wilquin… –
9 days ago – Conclusion: Nos analyses montrent l’intérêt de mesurer les facteurs
psychosociaux pour expliquer les comportements de santé, ainsi que pour identifier et
proposer des pistes d’actions. Elles confortent la priorité mise sur la prévention du

The Impact of Lengthening the School Day on Substance Abuse and Crime: Evidence from a German High School Reform

F Westermaier – 2016 –
9 days ago – Regarding the latter, the rate of illegal cannabis consumption strongly
declined; however, no significant effect is detected on cannabis dealers or the consumption
of other illegal drugs. The survey evidence further suggests that

Psychological effects of MDMA

MJ Wieliczko – 2016 –
9 days ago – the risk of drug abuse. An online survey was distributed among adult MDMA
polydrug users (n = 158) and MDMA-naïve controls (alcohol, nicotine and cannabis users,
n = 138). Participants answered questions regarding their

A systematic review of the relationship between psychological disorders or substance use and self-reported cognitive failures

N Carrigan, E Barkus – Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 2016 – Taylor & Francis
10 days ago – Substance use papers included nicotine, alcohol, cannabis, and ecstasy use. to
successfully carry out cognition necessary for safe driving is adversely impacted by use of
substances including alcohol (Marczinski, Harrison, & Fillmore, 2008) and cannabis (Downey

[PDF] Evaluación de los efectos preventivos que un programa de ocio tiene en el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en los jóvenes

MLP Ferreiro – Edita: ASUNIVEP ISBN: 978-84-617-5910-1 … –
10 days ago – sobre 27.503 estudiantes de Educación Secundaria de 747 centros públicos y
privados de España (Estudes, 2012-13); según ésta, alrededor del 81, 9% de los adolescentes
entre 14 y 18 años han consumido alcohol alguna vez, 35, 3% tabaco, y un 26, 6% cannabis

[HTML] Substance abuse among male secondary school students in Abha City, Saudi Arabia: prevalence and associated factors

HM Al-Musa, SDS Al-Montashri – Biomedical Research, 2016 –
10 days ago – The main illicit drug was cannabis (51.4%) followed by glue/solvents (48.6%) and
amphetamine (45.7%). They reported that 10 to 79.6% of users of amphetamines, cannabis,
cocaine, and opiates met DSM-III-R dependence criteria for each specific substance.

Early risk and protective factors for problem gambling: A systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies

NA Dowling, SS Merkouris, CJ Greenwood… – Clinical Psychology …, 2016 – Elsevier
10 days ago – Meta-analyses quantified the effect size of 13 individual risk factors (alcohol use
frequency, antisocial behaviours, depression, male gender, cannabis use, illicit drug use,
impulsivity, number of gambling activities, problem gambling severity, sensation seeking, tobacco

Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Cannabis Use Problems Identification Test among Chilean university students: A validation study

V Cantillano, P Del Villar, L Contreras… – Drug and Alcohol …, 2016 – Elsevier
10 days ago – Background In Chile, concerns mount about escalating cannabis use. Thus, it
is important to have tools for early identification of at-risk users. The Cannabis Use Problems
Identification Test (CUPIT) is a useful screening tool, and the aim of this study was to

Screening of synthetic cannabinoids in ‘Legal Highs’ samples by Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to quadrupole-time-of-flight mass …

M Pla Pesudo – 2016 –
10 days ago – Editor. Universitat Jaume I. Resumen. Legal highs, especially synthetic cannabinoids,
are novel substances which are intended to cause a cannabis-like effect, as an alternative to
traditional illicit drugs, like Marijuana. These products are marketed …

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