
How this document has been cited

—invalidating a law that allowed students to initiate nonsectarian, nonproselytizing prayer at various compulsory and noncompulsory school events
Furthermore, once at the cemetery, the Snyders constituted a captive audience because they had nowhere else to bury their son; the Court has often found that captive audience situations provide exceptions to First Amendment protection
- in Snyder v. Phelps: the problem of context and one similar citation
"Women's Rights Law Reporter 18 (1997): 1–78. Morton, Tom, and Eurydice Aroney. “Journalism, Moral Panic and the Public Interest. "Journalism Practice 18 (2016): 18-34.
—disallowed prayers at school functions and reinforced that decision in Santa Fe Independent School District
—found that many of the incidents identified by the Does constituted impermissible coercion, endorsement, or purposeful advancement of religion by the State, and that SFISD could be fairly charged with having had de facto policies favoring the incidents because they "occurred amidst the School District's repeated tolerance of similar activities and oftentimes with [its] …

Cited by

CR Smith - Communication and Democracy, 2024
CR Smith - Free Speech Yearbook, 2012
K Alexander… - 2019
[CITATION] Brigham Young University Education and Law Journal
Brigham Young University. Department … - 2005

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