
Events of World War I in May–June 1916

By TomStar81
The remaining alpine vegetation after the Battle of Asiago
HMS Birmingham under fire during the Battle of Jutland
Western Eastern Italian
Caucasian Middle Eastern Balkan
African Naval Air
Politics Asian and Pacific Gallipoli
Dates Events
March 2 – August 4 Battle of Bitlis.
May 7–10 Battle of Kondoa Irangi.
May 10 Germany suspends unrestricted submarine warfare. Details
May 15 – June 10 Austro-Hungarian Strafexpedition in Trentino. Details
May 16 Signing of the Sykes-Picot Agreement between Britain and France defining their proposed spheres in the Middle East. Details
May 31 – June 1 Battle of Jutland between Britain's Grand Fleet and Germany's Hochseeflotte. Details
June 2–14 Battle of Mont Sorrel.
June 4 The Brusilov Offensive begins.
June 5 The Arab Revolt in Hejaz begins. Details
The HMS Hampshire is sunk off the Orkney Islands; Lord Kitchener dies. Details
June 10 Italy: Paolo Boselli succeeds Antonio Salandra as Prime Minister. Details
The Siege of Medina begins.
June 10 – July 4 Battle of Mecca, Arabs capture the city. Details
June 30 Battle of the Boar's Head, diversion from the Battle of the Somme which began the next day.
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