
This Month is World War I

A map showing the areas affected by the German Spring Offensive between March and July 1918
British soldiers who had been blinded by gas on 10 April 1918, during the Battle of the Lys
By TomStar81
Western Eastern Italian
Caucasian Middle Eastern Balkan
African Naval Air
Politics Asian and Pacific Gallipoli
Dates Events
February to September Allied forces occupy the Jordan Rift Valley. Details
March 21 – April 5 First phase of the Spring Offensive, Operation Michael (also known as Second Battle of the Somme). The Germans obtain a Pyrrhic victory. Details
March 21 – April 2 First Transjordan attack on Amman.
March 23 – August 7 Artillery bombardment of Paris. Details
March 30 – April 5 First Battle of Villers-Bretonneux, a phase of Operation Michael.
April 1 Royal Air Force founded by combining the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Naval Air Service.
April 4–5 Battle of the Avre, final phase of Operation Michael.
April 7–29 Second phase of the Spring Offensive, Operation Georgette (also known as Battle of the Lys). The results are disappointing for the Germans. Details
April 7–9 Battle of Estaires, first phase of Operation Georgette. Details
April 10–11 Third Battle of Messines, a phase of Operation Georgette. Details
April 12–13 Battle of Hazebrouck, a phase of Operation Georgette. Details
April 13–15 Battle of Bailleul, a phase of Operation Georgette. Details
April 14 Ottokar Czernin resigns as Austria-Hungary's Foreign Minister over the Sixtus Affair.
April 17–19 First Battle of Kemmelberg, a phase of Operation Georgette. Details
April 18 Battle of Bethune, a phase of Operation Georgette. Details
April 21 The Red Baron is shot down over Vaux-sur-Somme.
April 23 Guatemala declares war on Germany.[1]
April 24–27 Second Battle of Villers-Bretonneux, a phase of Operation Georgette.
April 25–26 Second Battle of Kemmelberg, a phase of Operation Georgette. Details
April 28 Gavrilo Princip dies in Terezín prison, from tuberculosis.
April 29 Battle of Scherpenberg, final phase of Operation Georgette. Details
April 30 – May 4 Second Transjordan attack on Shunet Nimrin and Es Salt.
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  1. ^ Duffy 2009.

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