
From 1980 to 1987 Spain sold €458 million in weapons to Iran and €172 million in weapons to Iraq.

Weapons sold to Iran


Weapons sold to Iraq


In 1980 Adolfo Suárez visited Iraq. He talked bout possible weapons sales [1]. In 1979 Manuel Gutiérrez Mellado went to Baghdad to discuss a possible joint venture for the production of light weapons and tanks [2].

€9 million worth of Spanish built (Santana Motor) Land Rover like this were sold to Irak from 1980 to 1987

BO-105 Helicopters, explosives and ammunition.

Allegations about chemical warheads


A research party discovered that an unexploded chemical Iraqui warhead in Iran was manufactured in Spain



Sources for the article

  • El Mundo (Spain) book. El Camino de la Libertad. La democracia año a año. 1986 ISBN 9788492540099. Page 27-32. </ref>.
  • Vicenç Fisas. Las armas de la Democracia. Exportaciones españolas de armamento 1980-1988. Editorial Crítica, 1989. ISBN 8474233992</ref>.


  1. ^ La Vanguardia, february 7th 1980
  2. ^ [1]

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