
Manuel Rosa
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Manuel da Silva Rosa (born 1961) is the Portuguese author who wrote the controversial book The Mystery of Columbus Revealed[1] [2] [3] [4] on the theory of a Portuguese origin for Christopher Columbus.


Born in Pico, Azores in 1961, Manuel Rosa emigrated to the United States in 1973. He also says he is a poet, songwriter and producer[1], and is involved in the planning stages of a Regata to trace the Return Route of Columbus.

Research on Christopher Columbus

Manuel da Silva Rosa is the main author of the book O Mistério Colombo Revelado ( The Mystery of Columbus Revealed ), which exposes some obscure and even contradictory aspects of the Admiral's biography and tries to better explain them under the light of a political conspiracy contrived by the King of Portugal D. João II against the Crown of Castille, in which Columbus would have played a key role. According to the authors, the book shows evidence, among other things, that the Testament of 1498 is a fraud[2], that Christopher Columbus could not have married Filipa Moniz without permission from the King himself, that Columbus knew he was not heading to India, that he was the most expert navigator in Castille and that the coat of arms used by the Admiral could not have been borrowed from the woolweaver's guild of Genoa. Confirming they were correct, is the original Royal Decree, signed by the Catholic Kings, that was located in 2006 in which is drawn the original arms of Columbus. The authors have added the original arms of Columbus to their website.

Mr. Rosa is collaborating on the DNA studies with the U. of Granada relating to the Portuguese Columbus Theory and has participated in several conferences at the invitation of Portuguese universities and took part in a 5-hour documentary titled Colón al Descubierto, for TV Canal 2 Andalucía, as well as Discovery Channel interview presenting some of his findings in an upcoming Christopher Columbus special and another documentary with Belgium producer Nick Balthazar.


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