
The Shadow Ministry of Kevin Rudd was the opposition Australian Labor Party shadow ministry of Australia from December 2006 to December 2007, opposing John Howard's Coalition ministry.

  • Leader of the Opposition: Kevin Rudd
  • Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Shadow Minister for Employment, Industrial Relations and Social Inclusion: Julia Gillard
  • Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, Shadow Minister for National Development, Resources and Energy: Chris Evans
  • Shadow Treasurer: Wayne Swan
  • Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs: Robert McClelland
  • Shadow Minister for Defence: Joel Fitzgibbon
  • Shadow Minister for Finance: Lindsay Tanner
  • Shadow Minister for Health and Ageing: Nicola Roxon
  • Shadow Attorney-General, Manager of Opposition Business in the Senate: Joe Ludwig
  • Shadow Minister for Climate Change, Environment, Heritage and the Arts: Peter Garrett
  • Shadow Minister for Water and Infrastructure, Manager of Opposition Business in the House: Anthony Albanese
  • Shadow Minister for Communications and Information Technology, Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate: Stephen Conroy
  • Shadow Minister for Trade and Regional Development: Simon Crean
  • Shadow Minister for Immigration, Integration and Citizenship: Tony Burke
  • Shadow Minister for Education and Training: Stephen Smith
  • Shadow Minister for Families and Community Services, Indigenous Affairs and Reconciliation: Jenny Macklin
  • Shadow Minister for Industry, Innovation, Science and Research: Kim Carr
  • Shadow Minister for Transport, Roads and Tourism: Martin Ferguson
  • Shadow Minister for Primary Industries, Fisheries and Forestry: Kerry O'Brien
  • Shadow Minister for Human Services, Housing, Youth and Women: Tanya Plibersek
  • Shadow Minister for Homeland Security, Territories, Shadow Minister for Justice and Customs: Arch Bevis

This opposition made no distinction between the Shadow Cabinet and the Shadow Ministry

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