
List of airports by ICAO code: A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Format of entries is:

  • ICAO (IATA) – Airport Name – Airport Location

NC - Cook Islands


Also see airport category and list.

NF - Fiji, Tonga




Also see airport category and list.



Also see airport category and list.

NG - Kiribati (western – Gilbert Islands), Tuvalu


Kiribati (western – Gilbert Islands)


Also see airport category and list.



Also see airport category and list.

NI - Niue


Also see airport category and list.

NL - Wallis and Futuna


Also see airport category and list.

NS - Samoa, American Samoa




Also see airport category and list.

American Samoa


Also see airport category and list.

NT - French Polynesia


Also see airport category and list.

NV - Vanuatu


Also see airport category and list.

NW - New Caledonia


Also see airport category and list.

NZ - New Zealand


Also see airport category and list.



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