Cannabis Sativa

Word list[edit]

This lists all words that this script checks for. All entries go on their own line and are preceded by an asterisk (*). Entries in all lower case are case-insensitive, while entries in upper or mixed case are case-sensitive. Javascript regular expressions may also be used, in the form */re/flags. The g flag is automatically added.

*freedom fighter
*some people say
*many scholars state
*it is believed
*it is regarded
*many are of the opinion
*most feel
*experts declare
*it is often reported
*it is widely thought
*research has shown
*science says
*scientists claim
*it is often said
*it should be noted
*of course
*without a doubt
*point out
*passed away
*gave his life
*eternal rest
*make love
*an issue with
*collateral damage
*lion's share
*tip of the iceberg
*white elephant
*gild the lily
*take the plunge
*ace up the sleeve
*bird in the hand
*twist of fate
*at the end of the day
*to date
*/\w+ years ago/i
*in the past
*/(this|last|next) (year|month|winter|spring|summer|fall|autumn)/i
*in the future
*this country
*is survived by
*was survived by

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