Cannabis Sativa

This category contains the talk pages of all articles created through Wikipedia:Articles for creation. For a list of recent additions and changes to these pages, see here.

Looking for your submission? Find tips here: 
  • If your article is still waiting to be reviewed, and correctly tagged with a template at the beginning, then it will appear in Category:Pending AfC submissions.
  • If the submission does not have a template, please add the code {{subst:submit}} to the beginning to properly submit the article.
  • Declined submissions can be found in Category:Declined AfC submissions. Click here for a list of recently declined articles.
  • Alternatively, try searching by the date your article was submitted: articles submitted today can be found in Category:AfC submissions by date/24 June 2024.
  • If you have the same IP address, or are logged with the same username, that you used to edit the submission with, you should find a link to your submission in your contributions.
  • If your article was accepted then it will now be in article space. If so, you should have a note about it on your talk page. Otherwise, the talk pages of all accepted submissions are in the category below and a list of recent changes to these pages can be found here.

Pages in category "Accepted AfC submissions"

The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 185,922 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.

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