Cannabis Ruderalis

500: Internal Server Error
Lapinou Furieux

A fatal error has occurred within XTools. This has been automatically reported, but feel free to file a task on Phabricator (requires a Wikimedia account).

The server said: An exception occurred while executing 'SET STATEMENT max_statement_time = 900 FOR SELECT COUNT(*) AS value, 'links_ext' AS type FROM `enwiki_p`.`externallinks` WHERE el_from = ? UNION SELECT COUNT(*) AS value, 'links_out' AS type FROM `enwiki_p`.`pagelinks` WHERE pl_from = ? UNION SELECT COUNT(*) AS value, 'links_in' AS type FROM `enwiki_p`.`pagelinks` JOIN `enwiki_p`.`linktarget` ON lt_id = pl_target_id WHERE lt_namespace = ? AND lt_title = ? UNION SELECT COUNT(*) AS value, 'redirects' AS type FROM `enwiki_p`.`redirect` WHERE rd_namespace = ? AND rd_title = ?' with params [76630567, 76630567, 3, "", 3, ""]: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1356 View 'enwiki_p.pagelinks' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them

Version 3.19.1 (2024-05-03) · Documentation · API · View Source
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