Cannabis Ruderalis

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This is the Accepted Version of a paper published in the
journal Nature:
Reisz, Robert R., Huang, Timothy D., Roberts, Eric M.,
Peng, ShinRung, Sullivan, Corwin, Stein, Koen, LeBlanc,
Aaron R.H., Shieh, DarBin, Chang, RongSeng, Chiang,
ChengCheng, Yang, Chuanwei, and Zhong, Shiming (2013)
Embryology of Early Jurassic dinosaur from China with
evidence of preserved organic remains. Nature, 496. pp.
Dinosaur embryology: inside the bones of an Early Jurassic
sauropodomorph from China
Robert R. Reisz
, Timothy D. Huang
, Eric Roberts
, ShinRung Peng
, Corwin
, Koen Stein
, Aaron LeBlanc
, DarBin Shieh
, RongSeng Chang
, ChengCheng
, ChuanWei Yang
, ShiMing Zong
Department of Biology, University of Toronto Mississauga, Mississauga, ON
L5L 1C6, Ontario, Canada.
National Chung Hsing University, Taichung 402, Taiwan.
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, James Cook University, Townsville,
Queensland, QLD 4811, Australia.
Medical College Institute of Oral Medicine, National
Cheng Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan.
Key Laboratory of Evolutionary
Systematics of Vertebrates, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology,
100044 Beijing, China.
Steinmann Institüt für Geologie, Mineralogie und Paläontologie,
University of Bonn, 53115 Bonn, Germany.
Dept of Optics and Photonics, National
Central University, Chung-Li, 32001, Taiwan.
National Synchrotron Radiation Research
Center, Hsinchu 30076, Taiwan.
Lufeng County Dinosaur Museum, Lufeng, Yunnan,
ChuXiong Prefecture Museum, 675000 Chuxiong, Yunnan, China.
Fossil dinosaur embryos are surprisingly rare, almost entirely restricted to Upper
Cretaceous strata that record the late stages of non-avian dinosaur evolution
Notable exceptions are the oldest known embryos from the Early Jurassic South
African sauropodomorph Massospondylus
, and Late Jurassic embryos of a
theropod from Portugal
. The fact that dinosaur embryos are rare and typically
enclosed in eggshells limits their availability for tissue and cellular level
investigations of development and growth. Consequently, little is known about
growth patterns in dinosaur embryos, even though post-hatching ontogeny has been
studied in several taxa
. Here we report the discovery of an embryonic dinosaur
bonebed from the Lower Jurassic of China, the oldest such occurrence in the fossil
record. The embryos are similar in geological age to those of Massospondylus and
are also assignable to a sauropodomorph dinosaur, probably Lufengosaurus
. The
unusual preservation of numerous disarticulated skeletal elements and eggshell in
this monotaxic bone bed, representing different stages of incubation and therefore
derived from different nests, provides opportunities for novel investigations of
dinosaur embryology in a clade noted for gigantism. For example, comparisons
among embryonic femora of different sizes and different developmental stages
reveal a consistently rapid rate of growth throughout development, possibly
indicating that short incubation times were characteristic of sauropodomorphs. In
addition, asymmetric radial growth of the femoral shaft and rapid expansion of the
fourth trochanter suggest that embryonic muscle activation played an important
role in the pre-hatching ontogeny of these dinosaurs. This discovery also provides
the oldest evidence of in situ preservation of complex organic remains in a
terrestrial vertebrate.
Monotaxic bonebeds are particularly prized by palaeobiologists because they yield
large numbers of bones that can reveal patterns of development and growth within a
single species
. Here we report the discovery of a monotaxic embryonic dinosaur
bonebed, from Lower Jurassic strata near Dawa, Lufeng County, Yunnan Province,
People’s Republic of China (specimens housed in the Chuxiong Prefectural Museum,
Catalogue No. C2019 2A233). These remains are equivalent in age to the oldest known
dinosaurian embryos, which belong to the South African sauropodomorph
. However, the new Chinese sauropodomorph specimens differ in
comprising an accumulation of disarticulated skeletal elements representing various
stages of embryonic development, rather than a set of articulated skeletons enclosed in
. Thus, the earliest known dinosaurian embryo occurrences from China and South
Africa are mutually complementary, permitting different types of investigation into the
early stages of development in sauropodomorph dinosaurs that lived shortly after the end-
Triassic extinction.
The embryonic bonebed was discovered in the Dark Red Beds or Zhangjia’ao
10, 11
of the Early Jurassic (Sinemurian, 190-197 Ma) Lower Lufeng Formation,
roughly 3-5 m below the top of the formation (Fig. 1). The Lower Lufeng Formation is
temporally, environmentally and faunally comparable to the Upper Elliot Formation of
southern Africa and the Kayenta Formation of North America
Information 1). Like these similar rock units on other continents, the Lower Lufeng
Formation preserves abundant skeletal remains of basal sauropodomorphs
, and these
dinosaurs are commonly found in the upper part of the Dark Red Beds
Taphonomically, the 10-20 cm thick embryonic bonebed is characterized by the
presence of completely disarticulated skeletal elements at various stages of embryonic
development (Fig. 2), with calcium carbonate nodules often surrounding tightly packed
appendicular skeletal elements. One nodule contains a high concentration of eggshell
fragments that were apparently derived from soil compaction of a single egg. The latter
material provides for the first time microstructural information about the oldest known
terrestrial vertebrate eggshell (Supplementary Information 2, Supplementary Figs. 2.1-
We interpret the bonebed as a para-autochthonous assemblage, formed by low-
energy flooding and slow inundation of a colonial nesting site. The host sediment is a
heavily bioturbated, massive siltstone, throughout which are dispersed isolated skeletal
elements, eggshell fragments and the small, fossil rich nodules of calcium carbonate. As a
result, there are no preserved nest structures or uncrushed eggs. The lack of coarse-
grained sediment, coupled with the apparent sorting and concentration of the bones (Fig.
2c, f, g), is intriguing from a taphonomic perspective. The bonebed does not appear to be
an in situ nest or catastrophic death assemblage, but is also not a time-averaged fluvial
deposit containing bones that were transported from beyond the immediate vicinity. The
latter possibility is incompatible with the high preservational quality of the delicate,
poorly ossified embryonic bones and <100 µm-thick eggshell, which would be expected
to suffer extensive damage during transport over substantial distances. However, the
presence of bones at different levels of development (i.e., from multiple clutches),
coupled with the concentration and partial alignment of eggshell fragments and certain
skeletal elements within the nodules (Fig. 2f), does indicate a degree of transport. We
believe that inundation, ponding, and partial decomposition, followed by weak currents
and simple wave action, represents the best explanation for the hydrodynamic sorting and
non-random orientation of the mostly disarticulated embryonic elements. The embryonic
bones and egg shells were eventually buried and subjected to pedogenic processes,
including bioturbation, soil compaction and expansion, and precipitation of carbonate
nodules around many of the bones.
The skeletal remains, more than 200 bones, include dozens of isolated cervical,
dorsal, and caudal centra, rib fragments, femora and other limb elements, scapulae, an
ilium, and a few skull elements (Fig. 2). These specimens are less ontogenetically
advanced in multiple respects than some previously known sauropodomorph, theropod
and ornithischian skeletons that can be definitively identified as embryonic because they
were discovered inside intact eggs, demonstrating that these specimens are embryos
rather than hatchlings
. Conspicuously embryonic features include the presence of teeth
that do not protrude beyond the alveolar edges of the maxilla and dentary, centra with
large notochordal canals and deeply pitted articular surfaces, and the universal presence
of extensive primary vascular spaces that are open to the surface
Information 3, Supplementary Fig. 3).
The embryonic bones were compared with previously known saurischian and
ornithischian embryos, and found to share detailed resemblances with other
sauropodomorph embryos but not with embryos of ornithischians or theropods
. In
particular, identification of the Lufeng specimens as sauropodomorphan was greatly
facilitated by their similarity to the well known, articulated Massospondylus embryos
Interpretation of the embryonic bones as representing a basal sauropodomorph is based
not only on numerous features that are synapomorphies at various levels within basal
Sauropodomorpha, but also on the results of a phylogenetic analysis using data from a
recent study
. This analysis places the specimens well within the sauropodomorph clade
but well outside Sauropoda, and supports their tentative referral to the well-known
Lufeng Formation sauropodormorph Lufengosaurus. Within Sauropodomorpha, the
maxilla and its dentition show specific morphological resemblances to Lufengosaurus.
This identification is also supported by the presence of a possible femoral autapomorphy
(strong medial curvature of the distal part of the 4
trochanter) in the 24 embryonic
femora and in the holotype of L. huenei
. However, two other basal sauropodomorphs
have also been recovered from the Lower Lufeng Formation of Yunnan
, making referral
of the embryonic specimens to Lufengosaurus inescapably tentative. (Supplementary
Information 4 and Supplementary Figs. 4.1, 4.2).
Histological study of the Lufeng embryonic specimens provides an unprecedented
window into the process of embryonic growth in a dinosaur, because these fossils
represent numerous individuals at various stages of embryonic development. For
example, three thin-sectioned dorsal vertebrae show different stages in the embryonic
development of the notochordal canal
(Fig. 3), a feature that is absent in posthatchlings.
Longitudinal sections of two vertebrae (Fig. 3a, b) show that the cranial and caudal ends
consist mostly of hypertrophied calcified cartilage. The mid-regions of the vertebrae
show an initial stage of highly cancellous bone deposition, with numerous primary
cavities (“vascular spaces”), indicative of very fast growth
, and there is no evidence of
any bone remodeling. A transverse section through the third vertebra (Fig. 3c) shows the
notochordal canal as a large tunnel through the middle of the centrum, and reveals
erosion cavities that indicate resorption of the cartilaginous precursor. Small patches of
calcified cartilage are still visible.
The sample includes 24 femora, including 14 right femora (MNI=14). The femora
range from 2.6 to 4.5 mm in mid-shaft diameter and 12 to 22 mm in length, representing
individuals from multiple nests
, and permitting the first morphometric analysis of
embryonic growth and development in a dinosaur (Fig. 4a, Supplementary Information 5,
Supplementary Figs 5.1-5.4 ). Separate thin sections through the mid-shaft regions and 4
trochanters of three femora of different diameters also illustrate the development and
ossification of the femur (Fig.4a-c). The cross sections show major differences in
periosteal bone distribution, orientation of the vascular spaces (primary cavities), and size
and level of ossification of the 4
trochanter (insertion site of the primary propulsive
muscle of hindlimb). For example, in the smallest, least ossified femur (Fig. 4b), the 4
trochanter is small, in the mid-sized femur (Fig. 4c) the trochanter is more prominent, but
this femur shows little woven bone tissue in the trochanter, while in the largest femur
(Fig. 4d), the 4
trochanter is large and fully ossified. These successive stages of
embryological development have not been previously documented in dinosaurian
embryos. Mid-shaft cross sections of seven femora, including the three listed above (Fig.
4b-d) show a significantly greater degree of vascularity (ratio of primary cavity area to
total cross-sectional area of the cortex ranging from 56% to 65%) than in other dinosaurs,
indicating a sustained very rapid rate of growth
. In addition, the femoral medullary
cavity increases in diameter throughout embryonic development (Supplementary Fig.
5.4), indicating that, although the embryonic femur is composed entirely of primary bone,
reshaping by endosteal bone resorption in the medullary cavity occurs even at this early
stage of ontogeny. The high level of vascularity is the first known evidence that
sauropodomorph embryos probably grew at a faster rate than both extant birds and other
dinosaurs, a circumstance that may imply that sauropodomorphs had shorter incubation
times than their contemporaries. If this high rate of growth was maintained after hatching,
it might explain the ability of sauropodomorphs to consistently achieve larger adult size
than their dinosaurian contemporaries, and in some taxa reach gigantic proportions.
Extant vertebrates can display considerable limb and body movement prior to birth
or hatching, involving muscle activation that mediates skeletal development
22, 23
. In mice
and chickens this epigenetic phenomenon results in differential (asymmetrical) thickening
of the walls of the long bones for improved load-bearing, resulting in a condition similar
to that in the embryonic sauropodomorph femora. Similarly, sustained growth of skeletal
crests and flanges depends on activation of the muscles attached to them, an observation
that should be applicable to the dinosaurian 4
trochanter. It is likely that the uneven
thickening of the femoral walls in the Lufeng specimens, the circumferential orientation
of the primary vascular cavities, and the growth of the 4
trochanter (Fig. 4b-d) all
depended upon muscle contraction and embryonic motility, an important mechanism for
building a skeleton capable of coping with the functional demands encountered by the
neonate. This discovery adds the first fossil evidence of such epigenetic phenomena to a
growing body of research that documents their significance in extant model organisms.
The available isolated embryonic bones were also subjected to detailed analysis
using Synchrotron Radiation Fourier Transformation Infrared (SR-FTIR) spectroscopy
In contrast to previous studies that reported organic residues based on extracts obtained
by decalcifying samples of bone, our analyses (Fig. 5) were able to target particular
tissues in situ. Our approach made it possible to detect the preservation of organic
residues, likely direct products of the decay of complex proteins, within both the fast
growing embryonic bone tissue and the margins of the vascular spaces (Fig. 5a, b). This
is indicated by the multiple amide peaks revealed by both infrared (1,500-1,700 cm
strong band from amide I & II, and 1,200-1,300 cm
weak band from amide III) and
Raman spectroscopy (Amide A peak at 3,264 cm
) (Supplementary Figs 6.1, 6.2).
Previous reports of dinosaur organic remains, or “dinosaurian soft tissues”
, have been
controversial because it was difficult to rule out bacterial biofilms or some other form of
contamination as a possible source of the organics
29, 30
. Our results clearly indicate the
presence of both apatite and amide peaks within the woven embryonic bone tissue (Fig.
5a), which should not be susceptible to microbial contamination or other postmortem
artefacts. Future work on the embryonic specimens will include more detailed analysis of
the nature of the organic remains that we have detected in these bones. However, their
preservation in such delicate, porous structures raises the very real possibility that other
fossils may also contain native soft tissues that can be studied with this targeted approach,
opening up new areas of palaeobiological research.
Methods Summary
Fossil preparation was done manually under a dissecting microscope. Thin sections
ranging from 30 to 50 µm in thickness were produced with minimal loss of tissue, and
photographed using a Nikon AZ100 microscope with a lambda filter. ImageJ software
was used to calculate the percentage vascularity of each femoral thin section, defined as
the ratio between the total area of the primary cavities and the overall area of the cortex
of the femur. NIS Elements imaging software for the Nikon AZ100 mounted digital
camera was used both for the photography and to confirm the percentage vascularity
calculations for a total of 8 femora. For FTIR analysis, infrared spectral line scans and
mapping data were collected using the SR-FTIR spectromicroscopy facility at the
National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC) beamline 14A1 (BL14A1) in
Taiwan. The spectra were recorded in reflectance mode from each sample section, using a
Thermo Nicolet Magna-IR spectrometer with the following settings: resolution 4 cm
step-size 15 μm, aperture size 30 μm, and 128 scans. Peak position and baseline
corrections were performed using OMNIC peak resolving software after the results had
been obtained.
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Supplementary Information is linked to the online version of the paper at
Acknowledgements We thank G. Grellet-Tinner, J. Steigler, P. Barrett, and E. Prondvai
for discussion, C. Chu and X.J. Lin for research support, S.P. Modesto and C. Brown for
field assistance, D. Scott for specimen preparation and photography, N. Campione for
morphometric analysis, C. Apaldetti for data matrix, J.R. Liu for assistance in Lufeng,
and C.C. Wang, Y.F. Song, Y.C. Lee, and H.S. Sheu for help with various experiments at
the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Taiwan. Research support was
provided by DFG FOR 533 (Germany), NSC 100-2116-M-008-016 (Taiwan), Ministry of
Education (Taiwan) under the NCKU Aim for the Top University Project, NSERC
Discovery and SRO Grants (Canada), University of Toronto, Chinese Academy of
Sciences and National Natural Science Foundation of China.
Author Contributions R.R.R jointly conceived and designed the project with T.D.H.;
R.R.R. wrote paper, supervised preparation and scientific illustration of specimens;
T.D.H., E.R., C.S., K.S., A.L., contributed to manuscript; R.R.R., T.D.H., E.R., C.S.,
R.S.C, and C.W.Y. contributed significantly to field work; T.D.H., S.R.P., D.B.S.
supervised and completed multimodal optical and chemical spectroscopic analyses; K.S.,
A.L., C.C.C. prepared slides and illustrated thin sections; R.R.R., T.D.H., K.S., E.R.,
S.R.P., C.S. wrote Supplementary Information; T.D.H., R.S.C., C.W.Y., S.M.Z. provided
logistical support for field work and research.
Figure 1. Location and stratigraphy of Lufeng monotaxic embryonic bone bed. a,
Map of China, with study area in Yunnan Province shown by inset box. b, General
geological map of study area. c, Stratigraphic section showing location of embryonic
bone bed within Zhangjia’ao Member of Lower Lufeng Formation.
Figure 2. Sauropodomorph dinosaur embryonic skeletal elements derived from the
Lufeng bone bed. a, Reconstructed embryonic skeleton of Early Jurassic
sauropodomorph (using Massospondylus as a model, not to scale), showing in dark red
the elements known from Dawa (Chuxiong Prefectural Museum, Specimen No. C2019
2A233). Numerous ribs, centra, and distal limb elements are known, but their exact
locations within the skeleton are difficult to determine. b, Left maxillae in ventromedial
and labial views, respectively, with enlarged view of partially erupted tooth. c, mid-dorsal
centrum in lateral and anterior views. d, Left ilium in lateral view. e, Right scapula,
vertebrae, and left humerus preserved in one nodule. f, Right femur in posterolateral and
medial views, showing prominence and shape of 4
trochanter. g, Large right femur
preserved with ribs and various other skeletal elements in nodule. h, Embryonic limb
elements and ribs showing alignment along long axes. i, Close-up of proximal end of
right tibia, showing external foramina of primary cavities (also called vascular canals).
Scale bar = 1cm, unless otherwise shown.
Figure 3. Embryonic vertebral histology (C2019 2A233). a, Largest dorsal centrum,
longitudinal section, cranial portion showing initial closure of notochordal canal (cd), and
presence of erosion cavities (ee) with endochondral bone in the calcified cartilage (cc). A
collar of periosteal bone (pb) has already been formed. b, Smallest dorsal centrum,
longitudinal section showing whole length of bone, and representing earlier embryonic
stage with widely open notochordal canal. c, Intermediate-sized dorsal centrum,
transverse section, showing notochordal canal in cross section within substance of
vertebral centrum (vc). Neural canal (nc) visible directly above notochordal canal. All
scale bars equal 500 µm. Photographs taken with cross polar light with lambda filter.
Figure 4. Embryonic femoral morphometric analysis and histology (C2019 2A233).
a, Results of regression analysis showing growth trajectory of femoral mid-shaft diameter
relative to length of femur on left, and box-plot of residuals on right. Black dots represent
Lufeng bonebed embryonic femora, blue dots represent two embryonic and one hatchling
femora of the basal sauropodomorph Massospondylus, and red dot represents a hatchling
femur of the sauropodomorph Mussaurus. The regression analysis is based solely on the
Lufeng bonebed femora and shows a strong correlation between femoral length and shaft
diameter, and there are no outliers in this sample. However, all specimens of the other
two sauropodomorphs are well outside the range of variation exhibited by the Lufeng
material, and exhibit thinner femora relative to their respective lengths. This is likely
related to their presumed smaller egg, and eventual smaller and more gracile adult size
(see Supplemental Information 5 and Supplemental. Figs 5.1-5.4 for data and additional
morphometric analyses). b-d, Smallest to largest femora, sectioned transversely at mid-
diaphysis and level of 4
trochanter, from left to right. Photographs taken with cross
polar light with lambda filter. Abbreviations: m, medullary cavity; tr, 4
trochanter; nf,
nutrient foramen; pb, primary periosteal bone with primary cavities (“vascular canals”).
Figure 5. Synchrotron Radiation Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopic (SR-
FTIR) analysis of embryonic femur, targeting different points within a small area of
the bone (a-c). Images in each row include, from left to right: mosaic composed of 12
individual optical IR images (150x180 µm each), showing total FTIR scanned area (red
box), specific point targeted for analysis (red cross) and 15 µm step size (red dots); 2D
and 3D FTIR distributions of absorption for the spectral band showing the highest
intensity at the targeted point, with blue and red corresponding to low and high
absorption, respectively; and K-K correction processed IR spectrum for targeted point. a,
FTIR scan targeting primary bone tissue, showing an apatite peak within the primary
bone but not within the vascular spaces; primary bone tissue also shows an amide peak at
1,500-1,700 cm
, within the apatite crystal. b, FTIR scan targeting edge of vascular
space, near primary bone tissue, showing that the margins of the vascular spaces are
characterized by a 1,537 cm
amide I & II peak but lack an apatite peak. c, FTIR scan
targeting central area of a vascular canal, showing an 885 cm
carbonate peak within the
vascular spaces; a modest amide peak at 1,537 cm
is also present, and we interpret the
carbonate peak as the result of calcite infilling of the vascular canals.

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