Cannabis Ruderalis

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Control of Gúze by Btaín Stem Nturons, Derelopments in
Neuracience, Voluhe 1, ed¡ted by Baker and Berthoz
@ 1977 ElsevíeilNotth-Holland Éiomedicat P¡ess
J. Delgado-Garcia, R. Baker & S.M. Highsteín+
Department of Physiology
New York University Medical center, New York, N.Y.
of Neurosciences
Kennedy Center for Research
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx' N.Y.
The injection of HRP into the nedial rectus subdivision of the oculomotor complex
has suggested the presence of a specific population of non{otoneuronal, internu-
clear neurons vithin the abducens nucleus of the ca! 9t l0 1Bütt."r-Ennever and
Graybiel, this volume), Subsequent electrophysiological studies demonstrated that
these internuclear neurons responded like abducens motoneurons to orthodromic vesti-
bular and reticular inputs 2'3 ¡ttigh"t"i., this volume). The internuclear neurons
have been shown to lerninate on contralateral medial rectus motoneurons exclusively
in an excitatory fashion 1l 1ttigh"a.i. and Baker, this volune). Idhen the latter
studies are combined vith recent work showing horizontal burst-tonic activity in
the MLT t5' t6 an.. internuclear neurons are strongly inplicated as the cells of
origin for the latter actjvity.
Houever, it is clear that only by recording Int
responses within the Abd nucleus could the latter inference be tested. More signi-
ficantly, by actually doing such experiments, ve could place in better perspective
príor work describing the deficits in horizontal eye movement following MLI' le-
4. 5. 6.7
s rons
In o¡der to clearly identify and characterize both internuclear (lnt) neurons
and abducens (Abd) notoneurons \1e employed lhe alert cat paradigm complete with
chronically inplanted stimulating electrodes on the left abducens nerve and within
the right medial rectus subdivísion of the oculomotor courplex. Methodological de-
rails wíll appear in a future paper in which Ehe activity of all antidronically
identified neurons from the Abd nucleus will be presented. We have recorded from
more than 80 antídromically isolated extracellular units in the left Abd nuclei of
Lhree cats, whose activities to date are for the most part sti11 being analyzed.
The present report will center itself around fhe qualitative and quantitative re-
sponse profile of one Int neuron selected from an experinent in vhich propitious
localization of both aforementioned stinulating electrodes and the recording site
has already been ascertained histologically.
Spontaneous and/or voluntary induced
eye movements were enployed in this study and a special aLterpt vas made to initiate
both versional and vergence eye movements. Individual right and left eye oculograms
(Frg. 2- 7) were recorded and horizontal gains were adjusted to be of equal nalni-
tude. The vertical EOG was recorded from the right eye.
The Int neuron illustrated in Lhis paper was selected from an experimenL in which
more than 100 microelectrode tracts were made in and around the lef! Abd nucleus
over a period of one month. In brief sumary, we conclude that within the confinés
of the Abd nucleus as defined by the antidronic field potential depth profile, there
isnit any unit activity qualitatively distinguishable from that of either an Abd Mn
or an Int neuron. This evaluaLion is in direct reference to identified cellular
(i,e. somatic) recording sítes (see Fig. l). 0n the other hand, in the dorsal part
of the Abd nucleus (noticeably posterior or lateral), we often isolated units which
could not be antidromícal1y identified by stimulation of either the MR or the Abd
nerve. These responses were qualitatively different from those seen in Abd Mns and
and Int neurons and comonly consisted of either horizontal (out of phase) or ver-
tica1, burst-tonic responses. In addition, clear burst responses often associated
vith either horizontal or vertical eye movement vere frequently recorded. Since we
now are aware that a non-antidronically identifiable cell may be easily overlooked
(e.g., the Int neuron itself for many years l), then there may be yet another con-
A rR +l
ln ,.J
I'ig. l. Antidrornic identification of an Int neuron within the Abd nucleus. A, MR
sLinulaLion at ¿xon-straddLing intensity.
Double shock MR stinulation at 1.2 x Thr
(B) and 3 x Thr (C). Stimul-ation of the left Abd nerve (in D and E) indicated by
fi11ed círcles antl right MR subdivision bÍ-!-tars (axon-straddling intensity in A
and E). Polarity and time as indicated. Description ín text.
cealed response profile within the Abd nucleus. Even so, afrer carefully sanpling
all the activity that we could isolate from every glass microelectrode rrack througb
the Abd nucleus (i.e. concertedly looking for disparate responses), we surrepti-
tiously conclude that other neuronal patlerns than that described below renain
h i dden.
The Int neuron depicted in Figs. 1-7 was recorded dorsally in a microelecLrode
track near the center (anterior-posterior) of the Abd nucleus and was itself iso-
lated from a cluster of Int units. It is our physiological feeling that Int neur-
ons occur in snall groups within the Abd nucleus (similar for Abd Mns also). The
all-or-nothing activation of the Int neuron is shom at axon-straddling intensity
l ro'
Fig. 2. Activity of Int neurori during conjugate saccadic eye movements.. Descrip-
tion in text.
I'ig. 3. Close correlation of Int activity
interval of right MR subdivision indicated
to versional
by stars.
eye movement. Stimul-ation
stimulation of the MR subdivision in Fig, lA. If we assurae a conduction distance
of I cm and a stimulus-response latency of .3 msec, then the rnt unit is certainly
antidromically activated (with a velocity of 33m/sec), Double shock MR stimulation
al 1 '2 x Thr indicates a ninimum interval of I msec (B) and at 3 x Thr the interval
is reduced to .6nsec(c).
The arrows in B and c show thaL the stressful double ,.
shock sLimulation produces a clear IS-SD inflection on the extracellular profile.
In order to demonstrate lhat this antidromically activated InL neuron did not have
axon-collaterals extendlng out into the Abd nerve MR stimulation was preceded by an
Abd nerve stiuulus. At various condition test intervals (D-E) the Int response was
always superimposed on the Abd field potential indicating no occlusion. hre never
recorded any Abd Mns or Int neurons which could be activated by stimulation of both
the Abd nerve and MR subdivision 2 ¡Maciewicz and Spencer, this volume). Therefore
we conclude that there are aL least two distinct classes of neurons within the Abd
nucleus which nay be differentiated on the basis of their activation following stim-
Eye Polition [d69]
Fig. 4, Firing frequency of the Int neuron during horizontal and vertical eye move-
ments. Discharge rate is plotted againsr RH (right eye), LH (left eye) and V (ver*
tical) fixations. In the plot on the lower right, the results shown in the upper
Ieft. diagran (RH) were represented with two regression lines which best fit the data
points. Imediately above and to the left of the regression lines a number of vo1-
untary saccades initiated are indicated by horizontal línes. Eye position aE onset
is indicated by a fi11ed circle and terminal eye position by an arrow. Intraburst
frequency is thus represented by the 1evel of the horizontal line.
ulation of either the Abd or MR subdivision of the oculomotor complex.
The activity of the Int neuron antidromically identified in I'ig. I is depicted
during a sequence of versional eye movements exhibiting frequent saccadic activity
(in Fig. 2) and acconpanying longer fixation periods (in Fig. 3). The near pelfect
conjugacy of the horizontal eye movefients (especially Tig. 3) is indicatecl by the
close correlation between Ehe right and left eye EOG records. Quite noticeable is
the constant relationship betr^reen the Int neuronal response and all aspects of the
eye movements. The Int unit pauses distinctly for all rightward saccades and ex-
hibirs a high-frequency bursr for leftward saccades (fi1led stars in Fig. 2 and
arrows in l.ig. 3).. In addition, a cháracteristic maintained firing frequency is
associated with periods of fixation with the on-direction being leftward' gaze. Such
correlation is outstanding in Fig. 3 which contains uninterrupted periods of fixa-
tion following brisk symetrical versional eye movements. Finally as indicated by
the stars in Fig, 3 the Int neuron could be antidromically activated lhroughout the
normal sequence of eye movements even in its silent period during eccentric riglrt-
ward gaze (third star from left).
The distinct correlation between the ac¡ivity of the Int neuron and movements of
the right as opposed to lefL eye are shown in I'igs, 4 and 5, As illustrated by the
upper two i¡sets in Fig. 4, the,firiog frequency of the Int neuron (ordínate) is
closely correlated to changes in eye posítion (abcissa)" In the latter case' aver-
age discharge was determined from consecutive 100 msec bins of activity during the
periods of naintained fixation. Certainly, the plot of firing frequency versus
either the right or left EOG would indicate a clear correlation in lespect to eye
position; hovever, the scatter of the data points is clearly less when the firing
frequency versus eye position was chosen for the right (RH) as opposed to the left
(LH) eye. Furthermore' as may be seen in the lower left inset (V), there is clearly
1itt1e correlation between firing frequency anal different l-evels of vertical fixa-
tion. Finally, the dot scattergram in the upper left inseE (RIl) was fitted by tvo
regression lines best describing the data points. Such would not have been the case
if the data points reflecting lnt firing frequency versus left eye position were
chosen instead. Interestingly, the two regression lines intersect at approximately
a central gaze position. The latter vas arbitrarily defined as the horizontal- eye
position during attenpted central gaze (Cromrelinck et a1" this volume)' This re-
sul! suggesls that there may be two monotonic firing frequencies for the Int neuront
one extending from a central gaze position to 20o in the off-direction and the other
to 20o in the on-direction. Sinilar data from othel Int neurons has 1ed to several
generalizalions regarding the role of the Int population in horizontal gaze' which
r¡i1l be presented ín a later paper (Delgado-Garcia et al', in preparation)' More
important fot the present context is the observalion that nearly all Int neurons
exhibited eye position thresholds lover and maxinun firiog frequencies higher
Abd Mns. In addition, plots of eye position versus firing frequency for Int neurons
always shoüed a steep non-linear increase (as illustrated by Fig. 4) in contrast to
a linear relationship exhibited by Abd Mns.
During saccadic activity, modulation of Int neuron discharge preceded the sacca-
dic eye movement in the on- and off-directions by averages of l0 and 20 msec respect-
ively. We conclude thaE Int spíke activity thereby actually precedes the responses
observed in Abd Mns on the average of 3-5 msec. The clear velocity sensitivity of
the rnt neurons is depicted schernatically in the lower right inset of Fig. 4. The
initial eye position preceding a saccade has been indicated by a filled circle.
This point is then connecEed via a line to an arrowhead. and Lhe 1evel of the line
indicates intraburst frequency during the saccade. This diagrm shows that intra-
burst frequen.y ir.t"r""" as a function of the saccade being initiated from an eye
position more in an on-direction but is independent of the duration of the saccade.
Final1y, intra-burst frequency is nearly constant throughout the saccade.
The nearly perfec! correlation of Int neuronal activity from the left Abd nucleus
with movement of the right eye was completely confirmed by seeking out isolated
REOG t¿*1-
Fig. 5. Int neuron response during rnonocular ihanges in horizontal rye position.
A-D, selected records from Int neuron identifíed in Fig. l.
.l sec Down
of the Int neuron. As demonstrated in Fig. 5 (A and B) isolated monocular eye
movements by the right eye, Lo the right (indicated by curved arrows), are clearly
assocíaLed with pauses in Int neuron activity. In I'ig. 5D, a leftward, monocular
saccade by the left eye was clearly not associated vith either a burst or a subse-
quently naintained increase of firing frequenc¡r during the fixation (curved arrow).
Fig. 5C shows a versional (conjugate) followed by vergence eye movement in which
the InL activity continued to íncrease gradually during the very slow velocity sac-
cade (indicaled by double doumward curved arrow). This occurs in spite of a clear
rightward deflectíon of the left eye to another maintained gaze position further in
the off-direction.
An absolutely Darvelous sequence of records was obtained from this Int neuron
(fig. 6), which totally demonstrates the close correlation of Int neuronal activity
selectively with conjugate eye movement and not vergence eye movements. To begin
with, Abd l{n firing was modulated during all vergence and versional eye movements
as has been previously reported 12' 13. In contrast, Int neuron firing frequency
was not altered during or following the change in eye position accompanying neither
complex sequences of vergence eye movements (fig. 6) nor those of the more classical
type. The latter class of movments consists of l-4' amplitude convergence-diver-
gence sequences with 50-100 nsec time course for the step and 200-500 msec maintained
periods of fixation (fig. 7). As nay be seen by beginning on the lefr side of Fig.
6, normal versional eye movements are performed and then suddenly (indicated by
first set of outward curved arrowg) a slow velocity divergence occurs. Note the
absence of any modulation in discharge rate of the Int neuron. This sequence is
followed by two step-like vergence eye movements, then a conjugate rightward eye
movemenL again followed by a divergence sequence and finally a resumption of con-
jugate activity.
f'rom this data it is clear that at no tine during either the slow
or high velocity saccadic-like or step changes in right-eye position there occurs
a correlative modification of Int neuron activity, Thís is best seen by comparing
two comparable amplitude conjugate saccades (indicated by fi11ed circles on the left
in Fíg. 6) with those during vergence (unfi11ed circles on rhe righr). Sinilar1"y,
I zo.
Fig. 6. Int neuron response to versional and vergence eye movements. Description
in text.
I 36c
the initial two saccades shom in the REOG of I'ig. 7 may be compared to those taking
place during the vergence movement (on the right side). Secondly, by conparing the
firing frequency of Int neurons for eye positions achieved following a conjugaEe
versus a vergence movement in either Fig. 6 or 7, one distincLly nay appreciate
fhe absence of a step change in firing frequency following the latter moveúent as.
compared to the former. This is especially clear in Fig. 7, where, in fact; the
new eye position is now more than 3" further in the on-direction (left); but there
is actually a decrease in the firing frequency of the Int neuron. Finally, at the
intervals indicated by the stars in Fig. 6, this Int neuron continued to be anti-
dromically activated following MR stimulation and such activation did not interfere
at all with the on-going sequence of conjugate or vergence eye movements,
As a general sumary statement concerning the present study, we would like Lo
mention that not all Int neurons exhibited sinilar response profiles to that depicted
for the Int neuron in this paper. For instance, during the higher velocity ver-
gence movements some Int neurons were modulated for both the on and off stéps, but
did not reflect a new discharge rate accompanying the fixation. In addition, Int
nodulation was more pronounced duriog sinusoidal vergence Eracking (Delgado- Garcia,
in preparation). Other characteristics often varied and sone of the parameters
already mentioned, like recruitment threshold, position sensitivity, conduction vel-
ocity, etc., are being examined for statistical correlation before final corments
are mde. In spite of these variations, the uniformity of the data pemics us to
propoae that vergence eye movements are definitely produced by a separate supra-
nuclear source to MR Mns in contrast to the opposíte opinion expressed in prior
t3. l4
la terature
We now feel that a convincing dernonstration for tvo separate populations of
neurons within the confines of the Abd nucleus exhibiting qualitatively similar
characteristics has been successfu1ly conpleted. Irom the response profiles as
described in this paper, we believe that the sumise of Fuchs and Luschei (1970)
(based on no available evidence af the tine), that a population of interneurons
were mixed LTith that of Abd l"lns, turns out to be a prophetic one indeed; unfortunate-
1y, this view was not always shared by others 3' 5' 13' 14' 17' 18. The most sig-
I sec
Fig. 7. Int neuron activity during a symetríca1 vergence movement.
nificant observation contained within the present study is that only qualitatively
similar responses to that of Abd motoneurons were obtained; hovever, quantitatively
characteristic differences separate the two populations of neurons (sone have been
mentioned, and others wíll be detailed in a later paper; Delgado-Garcia, in prepara-
tion) .
Since recent HRP experiments have indicated that axons of al-1 Int neurons cross
the midlíne at the level of the Abd nucleus and ascend (without axon-co1laterals)
in the dorsal uredial part of the contraláteral MLF to terminate exclusively in an
excitatory fashion on MR Mns 2' 9' lo' ll, r.
inferentially, tbat this
population of ce11s represents the horizontal burst-tonic fibers recorded in the
MLF 15' l6 tod th.r.fore is the source for relaying conjugate as opposed to vergence
horizontal eye movement signals to contralateral MR Mns for all saccadic (vestibular,
voluntary, or optokinetic), pursuit ancl fixation eye moverents
l5' l6' 18.
the absence of any other horizontal sígna1 recorded from the ascending ¡&F 15' 16
and the recent data indicating that the secondary excicatory vestibular neuronal
pathway to the MR Mn is via the Ascending tract of Deiter's in the cat I and monkey
(Büttner-Ennever, personal comunication; note that the latter tract is separate
from the ML¡') then we suggesL Ehat it may possibly be superfluous to carry out fur-
ther quantítative studies of Int neurons, because their activity (i.e. MLF burst-
toníc fibers) during all horizontal- induced eye movements has been reported
so extensively by King et a1. (1976) and by Pola and Robinson (1977). luture em-
phasis is better spent on ascertaining unifornity and/or variation in response pro-
files within the Abd nucleus to better elucidate the classes of activity residíng
Eherein. Finally, lhere can now be little doubt that the deficit produced by an
interruption of the MLF represents the absence of ascending physiological activity
in the Int neurons of the Abd nucleus
4' 6' 7
and is not due to either direct com-
promise of ascending ponto-Í€dullary reticular or other posterior brainstem nuclear
axons .
Research was supported by USPHS research grants NS - 13742 and EY- 02007.
l. Baker, R. and Highstein, S.U. (1977), submitted for publication.
2. Baker, R. and Highstein, S.U. (1975) Brain Res. 9l'. 292-298.
3. Baker, R.G., Mano, N. and Shimazu, H, (1969) Brain Res. 15: 577-580.
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6. Cohen, B. (1971) Control of Eye Movements (Bach-y-Rita and Co11ins, Eds,),
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9. Graybiel, A.M. (1977) Journal Conp. Neurol, 175: 37-78.
10. Graybiel, A.M. and Hartwieg, E.A" (1974) Brain Res. 8l: 543-551.
ll. Highstein, S.M. and Baker, R. (1971), submitted for pubtication.
12. Highstein, S.M., Maekarira, K., Steinacker, A. and Cohen, B. (1976) Brain Res.
ll2z t62-167
13. Ke1ler, E.L. (1973) Vis. Res. l3: 1565-1575.
14. Keller, E.L. and Robinson, D.A. (1972) Vis. Res. l2z 369-382.
15. King, W.M., lisberger, S.G. and Fuchs, A.T. (1976) J. Neurophysiol. 39: lt35-
16. Pola, J. and Robinson, D.A. (1977) J. Neurophysiol., in press.
ll. Schiller, P.H. (1970) Exp. Brain Res. l0: 341-362.
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