Cannabis Ruderalis

How this document has been cited

The Master recognized that Courts of Appeals have denied standing to States where the claim was that actions taken by United States Government agencies had injured the State's economy and thereby caused a decline in general tax revenues.
- in Wyoming v. Oklahoma, 1992 and 3 similar citations
After also noting it had the authority under the 121 (15 USC § 714b (c) was raised as a bar to a claim that portions of the ASCS HANDBOOK were subject to the notice and comment provisions of the APA). 365. Iowa ex rel.
In short, far from precluding judicial review this statute authorizes it, and "the responsibility of determining the limits of statutory grants of authority in such instances is a judicial function entrusted to the courts by Congress...." Id
- in Doty v. US, 1995 and one similar citation
—law to apply "deemed to include legislative history, a GAO report, and case law concerning judicial review of administrative action
- in Vigil v. Rhoades, 1990 and one similar citation
—approved an order that the Secretary of Agriculture implement a program of emergency farm aid payments as mandated by Congress: It is not the business of this Court to order the Secretary to make payments under the [Special Disaster Payment Program] to specific farmers.
Memorandum in Support of Defendants' Motion to Dismiss or for Summary Judgment at 31 (emphasis added). 10.
Subparagraph D (which immediately follows Subparagraph C), by contrast, authorizes the Secretary to make discretionary disaster payments where "no crop insurance covered the loss because of transitional problems attendant to the federal crop insurance program."
CCC refers to 15 USC § 714b (c) for authority that it "may sue and be sued, but no attachment, garnishment, or other similar process, mesne or final, shall be issued against [CCC] or its property."
—allowing parens patriae suits against federal government would intrude on its sovereignty and ignore considerations of federalism
Thus the direction on remand to enter declaratory relief is within the jurisdiction of the federal courts and is not barred by the enabling legislation for the Commodity Credit Corporation.

Cited by

JW Moore… - 2016
HL Wagner… - 2007
96 F. 3d 1118 - Court of Appeals, 8th Circuit 1996
53 F. 3d 1244 - Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit 1995
BD Reams - (No Title), 1993
502 US 437 - Supreme Court 1992
746 F. Supp. 1471 - Dist. Court, D. New Mexico 1990

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