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How this document has been cited

It is well-settled that the plain language of the Jencks Act precludes a court from compelling the disclosure of Jencks Act material prior to the completion of a government witness' testimony on direct examination.
- in United States v. Harris, 2024 and 10 similar citations
The determination of whether a counsel rendered reasonably effective assistance turns in each case on the totality of facts in the entire record.
- in Baldwin v. Maggio, 1983 and 6 similar citations
Moreover, the right to counsel of one's choice is not absolute, as is the right to assistance of counsel.
- in Steeley v. State, 1992 and 6 similar citations
Although the disclosure of Jencks material prior to the conclusion of direct examination of the Government's witness cannot be compelled, early disclosure to obviate trial interruptions is encouraged.
- in US v. Bissell, 1996 and 2 similar citations
—district court has broad discretion as an aspect of its inherent right and duty to manage its own calendar
- in IN RE YELLOWSTONE MOUNTAIN CLUB, LLC, 2010 and one similar citation
In reality, the disclosure of such statements is typically made before the witness' direct examination to avoid delay in the trial.
As noted by the Ninth Circuit, "[t] he `great mass' of cases refuse to grant a severance despite [any] anticipated exculpatory testimony of a co-defendant. "
- in United States v. Whitley, 1984 and 3 similar citations
If we assume, without deciding, that this conclusion was correct, Ojeda's right to invoke his fifth amendment privilege would trump the defendant's sixth amendment right to present a defense.
- in State v. Nieves, 2005 and 2 similar citations
Definitions of the two types of investigatory reports differ, the timing of production differs, and compliance with the statutory requirements of the Jencks Act does not necessarily satisfy the due process concerns of Brady.
- in United States v. Starusko, 1984 and 2 similar citations
—holding that trial court did not err in providing parties less than the [then-applicable] full ten-day period to file objections to the magistrate judge's report and recommendation where exigencies existed, stating that the ten-day objections period constituted a "maximum, not a minimum
- in United States v. Killingsworth, 2024 and one similar citation

Cited by

Dist. Court, WD Pennsylvania 2024
Dist. Court, WD Pennsylvania 2024
Dist. Court, WD Pennsylvania 2024
Dist. Court, WD Pennsylvania 2023
Dist. Court, WD Pennsylvania 2023
Dist. Court, MD Alabama 2024
Dist. Court, MD Pennsylvania 2022
Dist. Court, MD Pennsylvania 2022
355 So. 3d 361 - Ala: Court of Criminal Appeals 2021

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