Cannabis Ruderalis

How this document has been cited

"The general purpose of the law against champerty and maintenance and barratry was to prevent officious intermeddlers from stirring up strife and contention by vexatious or speculative litigation, which would disturb the peace of society, lead to corrupt practices, and prevent the remedial process of the law. All contracts or practices which necessarily and manifestly tend …
- in UNITED STATES CORPORATION BUREAU and 10 similar citations
Therefore, when the client takes advantage of the invalidity of one clause and repudiates it, the other one cannot stand alone but must fall with it, and the result of this again is to permit the attorneys to recover for the services which they have actually rendered according to their real value and independent of the original provision in the contract upon this subject
- in California Appellate Decisions and 5 similar citations
But in the absence of some statute we are unable to hold that it is illegal or against public policy for an attorney to solicit a case.
- in VnT RiCT1NTRhAL LAW JOURNAL. and 4 similar citations
—identifying a “systematic scheme to hunt up claims” for profit as being a course of conduct so obnoxious to public policy that a worse course of conduct “cannot be well imagined
The old common-law rules on the subject of champerty have doubtless been much modified, but the essential principle upon which those rules rested, and the evils and abuses at which they were aimed, still exist
"The general purpose of the law against champerty and maintenance and barratry was to prevent officious intermeddlers CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS OF ASSOCIATION
- in Constitutional Rights of Association and 2 similar citations
In Maslowski, the court overturned state precedent on champerty dating as far back as 1897 and most recently reaffirmed in 1932.
- in Volume 64 October 2023 Number 7 and 2 similar citations
We subsequently applied the principle articulated in Huber to void contracts between attorneys and laypersons to instigate litigation for a profit.
In such cases both are equally guilty, and neither should be permitted, in a court of justice, successfully to assert alleged rights accruing from the iniqui-. tons agreement.
- in UNITED STATES CORPORATION BUREAU and 3 similar citations

Cited by

Dist. Court, Minnesota 2013
261 US 571 - Supreme Court 1923
944 NW 2d 235 - Minn: Supreme Court 2020
371 US 415 - Supreme Court 1963
183 F. Supp. 831 - Dist. Court, Minnesota 1960
A FREDERICK - Albany Law Journal

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