Cannabis Ruderalis

How this document has been cited

Citizens of the United States on whom descent was cast by the constitution and laws of the Republic, by annexation became citizens of Texas.
—seems to assume that the act we have considered was a legislative compliance with the constitutional guarantees in favor of the alien heirs of deceased citizens; and that the alien heir must, within nine years, sell the lands or become a citizen.
- in McKinney v. Saviego, 1856 and 3 similar citations
The effect of these provisions was to vest the fee in the alien immediately on the death of the ancestor, subject to be defeated by non-performance of the conditions subsequent, and the forfeiture was enforced by a judicial proceeding.
When less than nine years elapsed from the time descent was cast upon an alien heir, a citizen of the United States, until annexation was consummated, the estate was saved to the heir by his becoming a citizen.
By the Annexation of Texas, under a joint resolution of Congress of March 1, 1845, and its admission into the Union on an equal footing with the original states, December 29, 1845, all citizens of the former republic became, without any express declaration, citizens of the United States.
- in The American and English Encyclopaedia of Law and one similar citation
—a citizen within nine years, he recovers the estate, not only against the State, but also against adverse pos sessors, although he do not "take possession or sue within the nine years," unless, in the latter case, his claim should be barred by the general law of limitations, by the lapse of time after he became a citizen.
But if the ancestor died within nine years before the admission of Texas to the United States, then the heir having by law become a citizen, if living in another of the states, the ordinary rules of limitation are to apply.
Partition, though it be void, and holding land in severalty by co-tenants, is a mutual ouster of each other as to the portion in actual occupancy, and is, therefore, adverse.
—used the following language: When the Congress of the United States, under the authority to admit new States, receives a foreign nation into the confederacy, the laws of these re spective nations, in relation to the naturalization of individual immigrants, have no application to the respective citizens of each.
- in Congressional Serial Set and one similar citation

Cited by

Tex: Court of Appeals, 4th Dist. 2018
118 SW 3d 742 - Tex: Supreme Court 2003
159 F. 2d 366 - Circuit Court of Appeals, 5th Circuit 1947
59 US 235 - Supreme Court 1856
MM Ngai - The Columbia Documentary History of Race and …, 2004
F Deák… - (No Title), 1971
[CITATION] Texas Law of Wills
EW Bailey - 1968
246 SW 2d 296 - Tex: Court of Civil Appeals, 7th Dist. 1951

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