Cannabis Ruderalis

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A fiduciary relationship exists "where there has been a special confidence reposed in one who in equity and good conscience is bound to act in good faith and with due regard to the interests of the one reposing confidence."
"[I] t extends to any possible case in which a fiduciary relation exists in fact, and in which there is confidence reposed on one side, and resulting domination and influence on the other."
- in TIN ORIGINALS v. COLONIAL TIN WORKS, 1990 and 84 similar citations
The courts generally have declined to define the term "fiduciary relation" and thereby exclude from this broad term any relation that may exist between two or more persons with respect to the rights of persons or the property of either....
- in Terry v. Terry, 1981 and 10 similar citations
Courts in North Carolina have been hesitant to define " `the particular instances of fiduciary relations in such a manner that other and perhaps new cases might be excluded.'"
- in In re Shearin Family Investments, LLC, 2009 and 8 similar citations
Fiduciary relationships are established when a special confidence is placed in a party which is bound to act in good faith and in the best interest of the party who reposes that confidence.
A fiduciary relationship as a matter of law includes "legal relations, such as attorney and client, broker and principal, executor or administrator and heir, legatee or devisee, factor and principal, guardian and ward, partners, principal and agent,[and] trustee and cestui que trust."

Cited by

169 BR 569 - Dist. Court, North Carolina 1993
284 F. 3d 518 - Court of Appeals, 4th Circuit 2002
795 SE 2d 340 - NC: Supreme Court 2017
418 BR 870 - Bankr. Court, ED North Carolina 2009
253 SE 2d 489 - NC: Court of Appeals 1979
198 SE 2d 730 - NC: Court of Appeals 1973
826 SE 2d 567 - NC: Court of Appeals 2019

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