Cannabis Ruderalis

How this document has been cited

—her privileges and immunities were abridged the court decided: "Having determined in preceding case that the police power of the State legitimately extended to the right to prevent the employment of women and children for unreasonably long hours or at unreasonably small wages, and that the State had a right to use the machinery of a Commission to determine to the …
State decisions upholding minimum wage laws had been affirmed by a divided court, Brandeis, J., not participating.
- in The Washington Minimum Wage Decision and 2 similar citations
Decision of Judge TJ Cleeton, Circuit Court of Oregon for Multnomah County, printed by Industrial Welfare Commission, 1913. 396.
- in Legislation for women in Oregon and one similar citation
For detailed information, see Biennial Reports of the Industrial Welfare Commission, Portland, Ore. 394.
- in Legislation for women in Oregon and one similar citation
—it was contended that this protection was violated since the Minimum Wage Law abridged the plantiff's freedom of contract.
- in Columbia Studies in the Social Sciences and 2 similar citations
Oregon minimum wage law was upheld as not a violation of the privileges and immunities clause of the 14th Amend.
—actually combined two cases, one from a Rose City box factory owner, Frank Stettler, and another from his employee, Elmira Simpson
Local self-government lies at the very foundation of freedom, and the private and local affairs of a community are sacred from the interference of the central power, unless oppressive and unreasonable encroachment on the liberties of the citizen renders such interference imperatively necessary
—a law practically the same as the Kansas law was held constitutional, and on appeal to the United States supreme court the decisions in these cases were affirmed without division (243 US 929).

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