Cannabis Ruderalis

How this document has been cited

—he held that a grant by the state to a railroad company of a power to fix rates did not bar subsequent legislative regulation of rates under the police power.
- in Dictionary of American Biography: Under the Auspices of the American Council … and 7 similar citations
But in this case it was decided that, regardless of legislation, the company was responsible for its breach of duty as a common carrier in charging exorbitant freights or making unjust discriminations; and
- in The American Law Register and 6 similar citations
The rule is settled that corporations created within this state are amenable to the police power, and such bodies are not beyond legislative control, and are amenable to the same extent as natural persons.
—the charter of a corporation is a contract between it and the state, that it may exercise the rights and privileges conferred until the expiration of the charter, unless, by some violation of § 334.
- in The essentials of commercial law and 2 similar citations
A street railway company is a common carrier of passengers for hire, and as such is subject to all the rules of law relating to common carriers, and among these is the one that prevents it from charging more than what is reasonable for its services.
Where a statute fixes maximum charges for transportation, it determines conclusively that charges in excess of those so fixed are unreasonable; and evidence to prove the excessive charges to be reasonable is immaterial
—a railroad company was in its charter expressly granted the right to fix the rates of toll to be charged.
- in Commercial law and one similar citation

Cited by

W from Perkins -
WK Jones - (No Title), 1967
[CITATION] The Historical Development of State Commission Regulation of Public …
RW Helfrich - 1959

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