Cannabis Ruderalis

How this document has been cited

The illegality of such agreements has commonly been assumed without consideration of the reasonableness of the price levels established.
No reported decision of the Colorado courts construed the state's antitrust statute explicitly to exempt agricultural associations; however, in 1922 the state supreme court refused to overturn the statute just because it exempted labor
We have examined the opinions of the Supreme Court of Colorado in reference to the construction and operation of these provisos in the Colorado anti-trust law
- in Cline v. Frink Dairy Co., 1927 and one similar citation
In our decisions construing Colorado's prior antitrust statute, we have held that trade restraints in connection with service-oriented industries were subject to antitrust prosecution.
The upper court sustained the ruling of the lower court on other grounds but King, J. in a special concurring opinion said, "The public is vitally interested in having worthless patents that ostensibly create a monopoly in articles extensively used by the people, destroyed, and it is against the policy of the law to enforce or give effect to a contract, such as this, which might …
In two criminal prosecutions against associations who were conspiring to keep up prices on electrical and plumbing work respectively, the court gives some definition of bargains in restraint of trade.
Standard cooperative marketing agreements made before they were authorized by this article have been held to be void as in contravention of public policy because in restraint of trade or competition.

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