Cannabis Ruderalis

How this document has been cited

—a statute provided that, in cities of the first class, no person should be engaged in the business or professions therein mentioned, until he should have obtained a license therefor, and by a subsequent section of said act, the owners of different kinds of vehicles used upon the streets of such cities were required to pay certain license fees.
Definition of a license.—ors and others, though a substantial amount, does not violate the constitutional requirement of uniformity of taxation, nor the rule requiring a tax to be according to the true value in money.
- in The Municipal Code of Ohio and 4 similar citations
The police power "extends to the protection of the lives, limbs, health, comfort and quiet of all persons, and the protection of all property within the state."
- in CITY OF MAPLE HTS. v. Ephraim, 2008 and 2 similar citations
Cities may impose wheel taxes for purposes of securing revenue if the power is expressly conferred, but the power to do this will not be inferred from a general power to regulate and control the use of streets.
It does not purport to have any relation to the police power, although in determining the amount of the fees to be paid by junk dealers the Legislature may properly have taken into consideration the fact that the business is an appropriate object of police supervision, especially in a large city, because of the opportunities it often affords for the disposition of stolen property.
Laws conferring corporate powers upon any designated class or grade of corporations, have been upheld as being general and not special acts.
Wherever the probate court is given jurisdiction to deal with any equitable matter, such as liens, etc., upon real estate, it is by virtue of an express provision of the statute, and not by virtue of any general jurisdiction in chancery.
- in Ohio Law Bulletin and 2 similar citations
And such tax is not subject to the constitutional requirement that taxes shall be uniform and equal.
—the power to regulate by license may be maintained where a special benefit is conferred at the expense of the general pub lic, or the business imposes a special burden on the public, or where the business is
- in The Weekly Law Bulletin and Ohio Law Journal and one similar citation
—a statute requiring licenses of proprietors of theatres, livery stables, junk shops, etc., in cities of the first grade of the first class is a general law not limited in operation.

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