Cannabis Ruderalis

How this document has been cited

Congress did not intend by the 1918 Act to alter the original race or color distinctions of the naturalization statutes
—explained that the purpose of military naturalization provisions is: to reward those aliens who had entered the military or naval service of the United States, as therein described, by admitting them to citizenship without many of the slow processes, formalities, and strictness of proofs which were rigidly provided and enforced under the law affecting naturalization as it …
Or indeed in: Filipinos or "Porto Ricans" who provided military service to the US in times of war and were honorably discharged could be eligible for naturalization within a strict statute of limitations.
- in The racial state and 3 similar citations
And if the phrase "any alien" in the seventh subdivision is read literally, the qualifying words "being free white persons" and "of African nativity" in § 2169 are without significance.
- in Toyota v. United States, 1925 and 3 similar citations
—so as to authorize naturalization of Filipinos and Porto Ricans who served in the military forces of the United States, and permitting naturalization of all aliens who had so served, without compliance with, many formalities required of others, in view of this section did not enlarge the right to naturalization, except in the cases of Filipinos and Porto Ricans, and therefore did …
- in US COMPILED STATUTES and 2 similar citations
Natives of Korea owe allegiance to and are subjects of the Mikado of Japan, are of the Mongol race and not eligible to naturalization
Indeed, to earlier centuries as to the twentieth century, the Arab people stand as one of the chief channels by which the traditions of white Europe, especially the ancient Greek traditions, have been carried into the present.... It follows that even by the narrow criteria which were adopted in the opinions of Mr. Justice Sutherland the Arab passes muster as a white person.”).
—holding Koreans are not white and referring to attributes leading to “racial disqualification” as “disabilities,” though unclear if the use of “disability” at all relates to the functioning of mind or body
Resident Labor Commissioner's Office, Honolulu, TH Authoritative Statement Relative to Filipino Laborers in Hawaii. Honolulu, 1924. c.
—held that the racial restrictions of Revised Statute § 2169 made certain classes of alien veterans ineligible for naturalization.

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