Cannabis Ruderalis

Joshua H West, Lindsay M Belvedere, Rebecca Andreasen, Christine Frandsen, P Cougar Hall, Benjamin T Crookston
Publication date
JMIR mHealth and uHealth
JMIR Publications Inc., Toronto, Canada
Background: In recent years, obesity has become a serious public health crisis in the United States. Although the problem of obesity is being addressed through a variety of strategies, the use of mobile apps is a relatively new development that could prove useful in helping people to develop healthy dietary habits. Though such apps might lead to health behavior change, especially when relevant behavior change theory constructs are integrated into them, the mechanisms by which these apps facilitate behavior change are largely unknown.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify which behavior change mechanisms are associated with the use of diet-and nutrition-related health apps and whether the use of diet-and nutrition-related apps is associated with health behavior change.
Methods: A cross-sectional survey was administered to a total of 217 participants. Participants responded to questions on demographics, use of diet and nutrition apps in the past 6 months, engagement and likability of apps, and changes in the participant’s dietary behaviors. Regression analysis was used to identify factors associated with reported changes in theory and separately for reported changes in actual behavior, after controlling for potential confounding variables.
Results: The majority of study participants agreed or strongly agreed with statements regarding app use increasing their motivation to eat a healthy diet, improving their self-efficacy, and increasing their desire to set and achieve health diet goals. Additionally, majority of participants strongly agreed that using diet/nutrition apps led to changes in their behavior, namely increases in actual goal …
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