Cannabis Ruderalis

Hi. ChuckM is an advocate for banned user Joe Canuck. There is a high probability that they are actually the same person, though this hasn't quite been proven to 100% certainty. There is also a high probability that these users are both banned user DW.

ChuckM is angry with Jtdirl who was one of the people who objected most strongly to Joe Canuck's activities (mostly uploading of probably copyrighted stuff to Wikipedia, combined with a generally abusive tone, ie legalistic threats that if the images were removed, his rights were being violated, and those who did it would be "held liable", etc).

Most of it comes down to that... Evercat 02:30 27 Jun 2003 (UTC)

Thankfully incidents like this are quite rare. Evercat 11:53 28 Jun 2003 (UTC)

You can turn the numbering of headings off in your Preferences page. Turn off "Auto-Number Headings". -- Someone else 01:29 29 Jun 2003 (UTC)

Hiya. I deleted Ian Stuart Donaldson. An article that consists simply of four words of bumph like that can be deleted straight away rather be left dangling around on the VfD page for a week. Hope that is OK with you. (If you find any like that, and you are not a sysop (are you?) put them on the VfD page and then some sysop with delete them when they spot them. take care. FearÉIREANN 07:05 5 Jul 2003 (UTC)

Hi. No, I'm not a sysop. I've only been here a while, I could hardly qualify. RickK 07:06 5 Jul 2003 (UTC)

Hi, First I works on other more good subjects on fr: wikipedia, but as my english is bad, I try to works only on what I think, really important forgiven things, on english wikipedia. Please read whole my writing and write me about every thing you think is bad. I only want that everyone know that I think it's important to don't forgive bad things. This avoid to see it again. I think, ethymology, is also important for the word terrorism, because The Terror was the first use of the word terrorism(e), and it's a proove that people forget the past. The Terror in France was similar to Cultural Revolution in China, two period of time were people blinding killing people that don't think like them, thinking that was the best thing for civilian liberty... I think that United States do great job, helping to stop Germans Nazi or Japan horror in Asia (Nanjing massacre in China for example), but it's important to say that killing 135,000 citizens in Dresden is not a little thing, also you deleted entry about Tokyo, few people remember this horror that was more destructive that the two atomic bombs events, there's a very good japanese film animation about file-bomb droping from United States in Japan, called Grave of the Fireflies. This film is not against United States but against horror of war and what live two little childrens (war is more than a television news or video games). I don't want to deserve a nation, but I think a lot of american people don't know a lot about them own history or refuse to know it (deletion of entry without searching if that's true or not). I think that's the same in France (as I'm French) about The Terror period, Napoleon and Charlemagne invasions around Europe,and a lot of France colonialism. School in France very often forgive this horror as I think United States forgive in school horror of Napalm in Vietnam, fire-bombing in Europe and Japan, pushing dictatorship in Latin America, and will forget massacres in Afghanistan and Irak (and the fact that Ben Laden & Hussein was first aided by CIA respectivly against Soviet Union and Iran). People of this two arabian countries didn't ask for it. Stop to only look at stupid state manipulated movies or television, and look books in your library, you will learn a lot. And don't forget that Bush gvt say that want to invade Irak for weapon of mass destrucion and most of countries disagreed. There's a lot of people killed today and no WMD discovered.

I think today it's a period to remember all this fact, as today american president, doesn't follow great American constitution, but follow a lot of Hitler or other dictatorship rules. Don't Forget that this familly fortune was made first by Prescott Bush on slavery over jews in Auschwitz camp and that today, Bush Family and Ben Laden Family have got common companies. And think (and ask ingeeners) that the probability than a tower collapse perfectly vertically is really very low (and for two...), without very high engineering of timing and placement of explosive (and search about Reichstag and Hitler in germany) and about CIA declassified document 'A Program of Covert Operations Against the Castro Regime'. I have got friends around the world (including americans) but I see that today only some american people living in america doesn't open eyes, as germans did during WWII.

I'm not islamist, I'm not communist, I'm not pro-french (I hate french governement like a most of french). I'm only (I hope) free thinking person.

sorry for my very bad english 11:52 6 Jul 2003 (UTC)

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