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The Original Barnstar
For your many months of service to Wikipedia, I, Sharkface217, hereby award you this barnstar. --Sharkface217 05:05, 5 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Thankyou for your Commendation! --Jose77 08:53, 5 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

übersetzung ins pfälzische

hallo jose77,

der erste satz ist im hochdeutschen zu verschachtelt u. ich musste ihn umformen. ich hoffe das ist ok. ich bin mit dem pfälzer wikipedia nicht vertraut u. kenne keine rechtschreibregeln. Sundar1 (talk) 16:39, 14 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Als chinesische Untergruppe der Pfingstbewegung des Christentums, die kurz nach 1900 entstand, ist die "Wahre Jesus Kirche" eine (unabhängige) Kirche, die 1917 in Peking (China) gegründet wurde. Es gibt etwa 1,5 Millionen Gläubige auf allen fünf Kontinenten. Zur Doktrin dieser Kirche gehört der Glaube an die ausschließliche Göttlichkeit Jesu, das heißt die Lehre der Dreieinigkeit wird abgelehnt. Die 10 wesentlichen Lehren der Wahre Jesus Kirche sind: Der Heilige Geist Taufe Die Fußwaschung Heilige Kommunion Ruhe für die Seele Jesus Christus Die Bibel Die Erlösung Die Kirche Die Wiederkunft

Die "Wahre Jesus Kirche", ä u-abhängischi Keerch, die 1917 gegrind worre iss, iss a chinesischi Unnergrupp vunn de Pingschtbewegung des Christentums, die korz nooch 1900 entstonne iss. S'gibt uugfähr 1,5 Millione Gläuwische uff alle finf Kontinende. Änni vunn ihre Dokrin iss de Glaawe on die ausschließlich göttlichkeit vumm Jesus, des heest die Lehr vunn de Dreieenischkeit werrd abgelehnt. Die 10 wesentliche Lehre vunn de Wahre Jesus Kirche sinn: 1. De heilische Geischt, 2. Die Daaf, 3. Die Fußwaschung, 4. Die heilisch Kommunion, 5. Ruh ferr die Seel, 6. Jesus Chrischtus, 7. Die Bievl, 8. Die Erleesung, 9. Die Keerch, 10. Die Widderkunft

Good evening again!

Good evening again! you remember that a long time ago you had begun the translation in Chinese of: Martin Weinek (done pronounce Vaynek), Kaspar Capparoni and Campora San Giovanni? I thank you to have done them! Could you correct some error or word not translated to Campora and Weinek? If I don't ask too much you, I have seen that you are also good Japanese, and since the series will be transmitted there also in next winter. Would you be able to translate in Japanese of two articles with a stub devoted to the series out of politeness always? Meanwhile I pay my debt with you. Thing I can translate you of biographies and geography in Italian, Neapolitan and Sicilian? Neapolitan and Sicilian are the official dialects of Campora San Giovanni, with their variations. In attends him of one certain answer of yours I hand you the regards and renovation the anticipated ringraziamantis! Thanks once more!--Lodewijk Vadacchino (talk) 14:43, 16 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Okay, I will help you soon. --Jose77 (talk) 08:05, 20 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Martin Weinek Template:Ja
Kaspar Capparoni Template:Ja
Campora San Giovanni Template:Ja
--Jose77 (talk) 20:55, 21 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks in the name of my fellow townsman. Out of politeness you could write in Chinese, or to complete in Chinese the articles of Weinek and Campora San Giovanni. Besides this self I will be to your disposition to translate in Calabrian, Sicilian, Neapolitan, Veneto, Milanese and Piedmontese the articles of your interest, me enough only the base in Italian. This to seal in the future a cooperation. For you it is all right? Make me know!--Lodewijk Vadacchino (talk) 21:47, 21 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]
As usual I ask you if you can translate my village and my two preferred actors. Potresi to translate them in Mongolian and Nepali? I attend your applications about it. talk to you soon!--Lodewijk Vadacchino (talk) 13:49, 28 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]


"ricevere 'o Spirito Santo, comprovato de parlare 'into lingue, è 'a garanzia da nostra eredità do regno de' cieli".
'O Vattìsemo cu l'acqua "è lo sacramento pe' 'a remissione de' peccati pe' la rigenerazzione. 'o vattìsemo add' avvenì 'inta acqua corrente e naturale, quale 'o sciummo, 'o mare, o 'a fonte. 'O Vattista, che già ha ricevuto 'o vattìsemo dell'acqua e lo Spirito Santo, purte 'o vattìsemo 'into o nomme do Signore Gesù Cristo. E la persona ca arriceve 'o vattìsemo adda essere completamente immersa 'inta l' acqua co 'a capa 'nchinata e 'a faccia verso 'o vascio".
" 'O sacramento da lavanda de' pèri permette de condividere na parta co 'o Signore Gesù. Oltre a chisse serve pe' arricordare costantemente d' avire l'ammore, 'a santità, l'ummiltà, 'o perdono e 'o servizio. Ogni cristiano che ha ricevuto 'o vattìsemo dell'acqua adda fare lavare 'e peri soie 'into nomne di Gesù Cristo. Lavare a vicenda 'e peri può esse praticato ogni volta sia appropriato".
"La Santa Comunione è 'o sacramento pe' cummemorare 'a mmorte do Signore Gesù Cristo. Ci permette di essere parte do corpo e do sanghe de Nostro Signore e da esse dinto comunione co Isso in modo che putimme avire 'a vita eterna e essere risuscitati into ultimo juorno. Chisto sacramento sa da faro' chiù frequentemente possibile. S'addovranno usare sultanto no pane azzimo e ' succo dell'uva".
" 'O Sabato, settimo juorno da settimana, è no juorno santo, benedetto e santificato da Dio. adda esse osservato, inta 'a grazzia do Signore, pe' commemorare la creazzione e la salvezza de Dio, co 'a speranza do riposo eterno dinta vita avvenire

fatto paisà! si contiento?--Lodewijk Vadacchino (talk) 20:45, 20 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]



"Gesù Cristo, 'a parola ca se fece 'n carne, muorto 'coppa a croce pe l'estinzione de' peccati, risuorto 'o tierzo juorno e ascieso allo cielo. È l'unico salvatore dell'umanità, creatore del cielo e da terra e Unico Ddio".
"La Santa Bibbia, composta do Viécchio e do Nuòvo Testamiento, è ispirata da Dio, ed è l'unica fonte scritta de rivelazione da verità divina. Issa contiene tutte le norme de comportamento a cui deve conformarsi chi vuole vivere de vero Cristiano"
" 'A sarvezza s'ottiene pe grazia divina attraverso la fede. I credenti hanne fare affidamento sullo Spirito Santo pe aspirare alla santità, onorare DDio, ed amare 'o prossimo"
" 'A chiésa, stabilita de nostro signore Gesù Cristo, co lo spirito santo durante 'o periodo 'della pioggia posteriore ', so la chiésa allineare ristabilita do tiempo apostolico".
" 'A Seconna Venuta do Signore avverrà 'into 'o Giorno do Giudizio Finale, quanno Isso scennerà do paradiso 'coppa a terra pe giudicare 'o munno: i giusti avranno 'n ricompensa 'a vita eterna, mentre i carognune ed i peccatori saranno dannati pe l'eternità".


"Iesu Cristu, a parola ca se fatta carna, muarto supra a cruce pell'estinzione di peccati, risortu u terzu jurnu e sagliutu allu cialu. È l'unicu Sarbature de l'Umanità, Criaturi du cialo e da terra e Unicu Dio".
"A Santa Bibbia, composta du Viacchio e du Nuavo Testamento, è ispirata da Dio, ed è l'unica fonte scritta de rivelazione da verità divina. Illa contene tutte e norme de comportamentu a cui deve conformarsi china vodi vivere de veru Cristianu"
"A sarbezza s'ottene ppe grazia divina attraversu a fede. I credenti hanu fari affidamentu supra u Spiritu Santu ppe aspirari alla santità, onorari Dio, ed amare u prossimu"
"A cchieasa, stabilita da nuostru signori Iesu Cristu, cullu Spiritu Santu duranti u periudu 'du chiovamiantu posteriori ', sunu a cchiasa allineari ristabbilita du tiampu apostolicu".
"A Secunna Venuta du Signore verrà intra u Iurnu u Giudiziu Finali, quannu Illu scinnerà du Paradisu supra terra ppe iudicare u munnu: i ggiusti avrannu in ricompensa a vita eterna, mentre i malamenti e i peccatori sarannu dannati ppe l'eternità".

Hi! I have also written you in Calabrian to ask you if you can complete the articles in Chinese of Weinek and Campora. This way we close this game with Weinek and Campora. If you have need I translate you in Calabrian, Neapolitan and Sicilian. This way when I need a translation regarding a biography. Ok?--Lodewijk Vadacchino (talk) 22:00, 23 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Martin Weinek data-sort-value="No" style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; " class="table-no2" | No
Kaspar Capparoni data-sort-value="No" style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; " class="table-no2" | No
Campora San Giovanni data-sort-value="No" style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; " class="table-no2" | No
--Jose77 (talk) 01:18, 24 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Ok is all right! However we maintain you live the contacts. in the next future I will need translations in Chinese, Mongolian, Japanese. The sketches are all right, then curaris will come subsequently when you have time to diisposizione. The fact stays that will translate you in Neapolitan, Sicilian, Calabrian of Cosenza, Piedmontese, Veneto and Milanese quelllo that desires. The main point is the base in Italian language. Do we agree? Ca Diu t'abbenedica!--Lodewijk Vadacchino (talk) 15:14, 24 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

No problem, I agree. --Jose77 (talk) 20:34, 24 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Banjar translation

"Gereja Yesus Sejati" adalah gereja non-denominasi (mandiri) yang didirikan di Beijing, RRC pada tahun 1917. Gereja ini dimulai di Cina pada tahun 1900-an, di antara Gereja-gereja Protestan, sementara teologinya berakar pada Gerakan Pentakosta.
Pada 1939, Injil dikhotbahkan ke Indonesia dan Gereja Yesus Sejati pun didirikan di Indonesia. Keseluruhan anggota Gereja ini sekitar 1,5 juta orang jumlahnya dan terdapat di lima benua. Kesepuluh kepercayaan terpenting Gereja Yesus Sejati ialah:
  1. Penerimaan Roh Kudus
  2. Baptisan air
  3. Sakramen pembasuhan kaki
  4. Perjamuan kudus
  5. Hari Sabat
  6. Yesus Kristus
  7. Alkitab
  8. Keselamatan
  9. Gereja
  10. Kedatangan Tuhan
  • Dialek

Bahasa Banjar ada 2 dialek : Banjar Kuala (Downstream Banjarese) dan Banjar Hulu (Up Stream Banjarese) Vokal Banjar Kuala : a, i, u, e, o Vokal Banjar Hulu : a, i, u

  • Alternatif Dialek Banjar Kuala :
"Gareja Yesus Sejati" adalah gareja non-denominasi (mandiri) nang didiriakan di Beijing, RRC pada tahun 1917. Gareja ini dimulai di banua Cina pada tahun 1900-an, di antara bubuhan Gareja-gareja Protestan, samantara jua teologinya baakar pada Garakan Pentakosta.
Pada 1939, Injil dikhotbahakan ka Indonesia, imbah itu Gereja Yesus Sejati didiriakan jua di Indonesia. Sabarataan anggota jamaah Gareja ini sakira 1,5 juta ikung jumlahnya nang ada di lima benua. Ada sapuluh kaimanan nang paling panting Gareja Yesus Sejati yaitu:
  1. Panarimaan Roh Kudus
  2. Baptisan banyu
  3. Sakramen pambasuhan batis
  4. Parjamuan kudus
  5. Hari Sabat
  6. Yesus Kristus
  7. Alkitab
  8. Kasalamatan
  9. Gareja
  10. Kadatangan Tuhan

Alamnirvana (talk) 08:10, 24 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Bhojpuri translation

Hi Jose

Well I am a Magahi speaker. Magahi is similar to Bhojpuri. I can attempt a translation into Bhojpuri but that might not be very accurate. Manoj nav (talk) 16:12, 25 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Turoyo translation

Hello Jose,

Nice to meet you to. I'm happy for your interest, may I ask for what you need the translation (just curious)? The thing with Turoyo is that it's normally not written, only spoken. So I'm guessing you wanted the translation in Latin letters, right? Anyway, the piece you wanted me to translate is really hard to translate in Turoyo, for me anyways, but if it's from the Bible, maybe then you can tell me from where in the Bible and so that I then can look it up in a Syriac Bible and write in Latin letters for you? Take care /The TriZ (talk) 02:40, 26 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Okay, I understand. I'll see what I can do. The TriZ (talk) 16:50, 27 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Jose Regarding the Oriya translation

Hi Jose Thanks to believe me for this regard.I will try my best to place me up to your hope.Actually I am new in Wikipedia editing.The Love for my state made me work for widespreding my land's exotic culture to other. I searched Oriya language in Wikipedia but failed to get.Please help me in this regard.I will feel honoured if I could help you. Eager to hear from you soon. Thanks a lot to show interest In Oriya language. Bye.take care. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Diptiprakashpalai (talk • contribs) 04:13, 26 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

translated your text

at my user talk page on the incubator. Locoluis (talk) 17:25, 26 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Hi I am trying but I could not get Oriya font.Might be problem in downloading or my computer is not supporting it.But soon I hope I will write it for you.Take care.Bye —Preceding unsigned comment added by Diptiprakashpalai (talk • contribs) 08:55, 27 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Regarding Oriya translation

Hi Here I am writing below the article in Oriya with English letters as I failed to get Oriya font.You may convert it into Oriya script.I will be also trying for Oriya font as I am also interested to write in it. Here it is:

"satya khrista Girja ghara" gotia swadhina Girja ghara, 1917 masihare Sanghai,Chinre pratistha hoithila.Bartaman ehara 48 desha abam 6 mahadesha re 2.5 niyuta sadasya achhanti.girja gharati khrista dharmara birodhi/protestant shakha antarbhukta jahaki binsha shatabdhira prarambhare lokalochanku asithila.1932 masiharu girja gharati bharatare pratishtha hoithila.semane krishtha dharmara bani pratyeka deshare prachara karibaku lakhya rakhichhanti jaha semane khristhanka dyitiya abatara parjyanta chalu rakhibe.girja gharara dashati bani o bishwasa hela:
1.pabitra atma
2.puja archana
3.pada dhoiba
4.pabitra bani adana pradana
5.pabitra dina
6.jishu khrista
9.girja ghara
10.antima bichara
—Preceding unsigned comment added by Diptiprakashpalai (talk • contribs) 10:34, 27 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Proposed deletion of Born Again Badjao Church

A proposed deletion template has been added to the article Born Again Badjao Church, suggesting that it be deleted according to the proposed deletion process because of the following concern:

questionably notable organization - primary referenced only

All contributions are appreciated, but this article may not satisfy Wikipedia's criteria for inclusion, and the deletion notice should explain why (see also "What Wikipedia is not" and Wikipedia's deletion policy). You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the {{dated prod}} notice, but please explain why you disagree with the proposed deletion in your edit summary or on its talk page.

Please consider improving the article to address the issues raised because, even though removing the deletion notice will prevent deletion through the proposed deletion process, the article may still be deleted if it matches any of the speedy deletion criteria or it can be sent to Articles for Deletion, where it may be deleted if consensus to delete is reached. Raven1977 (talk) 22:29, 29 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

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