Cannabis Ruderalis

I help businesses grow online. I am a Web Consultant and I help businesses improve their online presence. Some say I am a nerd, but that's not really accurate. I am a certified OmniPotentGrandPoobah, and I occasionally think of myself as the Chief TechnoTwit. Though when things go wrong on my home network, and the error messages says to see the Network Administrator, I wish I could.

I am a life-long Scouter with a passion for hands-on learning, youth leadership development and the White Stag Leadership Development Program, which I am co-director of.

I am also a bit of a family history nut. Nearly half the world-wide population owes some thanks for the support offered them by my cousin Mary Phelps Jacob, who patented the brassiere. We are also related to Noah Phelps, Anson Phelps Stokes, Anson G. Phelps, Oliver Phelps and W.W. Phelps. Coincidentally, W.W. Phelps wrote many of the original hymns for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, of which I am a convert. He is my fifth-cousin five times removed.

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