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Steven M. Greer is an emergency physician and former chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Caldwell Memorial Hospital. He is also a lifetime member of Alpha Omega Alpha, a prestigious medical honor society.

Greer is a regarded by some as a leading Ufologist and is the founder and Director of The Disclosure Project.

He has been supervising a world-wide search for alternative energy sources, specifically those known as zero-point or over-unity devices with the plan to identify and develop systems which will eliminate the need for fossil fuels. He is a founder and CEO of Space Energy Access Systems.

Greer has been seen and heard by millions world-wide on shows such as the Larry King Show, CBS, the BBC, NTV in Japan, "Sightings" and "Encounters" TV programs in the US , the Art Bell show, the Armstrong Williams radio show and dozens of other TV and Radio Programs.



According to a 2003 interview with Steven Greer by Paula Peterson [1], Greer saw his first UFO in 1963 and has since learnt how to make contact with alien space crafts. He says that a spiritual level of consciousness is required to make the inter-dimensional contact with extraterrestrials.

World leaders

He says he has met and discussed the topic of extraterrestrials with Monsignor Badalucci of the Vatican and even briefed the Clinton administration and the CIA on the subject. He says that two of the closest friends of the Dalai Lama are on his advisory team.

Personal life

He says he lived in Israel when he was 22 and shared an apartment with holocaust survivors. He says he gave up a quarter of a million dollars a year as an emergency medical doctor to do God's work which is to help establish a stable humanity on earth that can co-exist peacefully with civilizations from space.


He says humanity has lost fifty years of human evolution because information on UFOs was made Top Secret. He says that if the information wasn't hidden from the public, we would already have a stable world civilization going out into space using advanced anti-gravity propulsion systems and taking our places amongst the stars with other extraterrestrial civilizations. He says we are now transitioning into another era and entering a new period of human evolution. He says that humanity in the past has risen then fallen back into a dark age, but this time humanity will ascend and peace will last for thousands of years.

Fossil fuels

He says the real reason the information on UFOs was kept secret was not to prevent mass hysteria but to maintain the status quo in the multi-trillion dollar oil, gas, and coal industry which supports the central financial systems. He established the company Space Energy Access Systems (SEAS) [1] to promote technologies to replace fossil fuels. He says many people have been imprisoned or murdered for trying to promote such technologies but that his organization has enough high profile and powerful people to be able to succeed where others have failed.


Greer, as director of CSETI, has led research teams throughout the world investigating the existence of ETI and claims to have successfully established preliminary contact and communication with extraterrestrial spacecraft at close range on several occasions. He has met with and provided briefings for senior members of government, military and intelligence operations in the United States and around the world, including senior CIA officials, Joint Chiefs of Staff, White House staff, senior members of Congress and congressional committees, senior United Nations leadership and diplomats, senior military officials in the United Kingdom and Europe and cabinet-level members of the Japanese government, among others,

Disclosure Project

He has addressed tens of thousands of people live at conferences and lectures around the world including the international convention of MENSA, the Institute of Noetic Sciences Board of Directors, and the Sierra Club.

Greer relies on first hand knowledge of extraterrestrial activity world wide and has direct sources for information regarding covert operations dealing with the subject.

Supporters of his world are as diverse as Apollo astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, who walked on the moon in Apollo 14, to benefactor and philanthropist Laurance Rockefeller, to former British Ministry of Defense Head and five star admiral, Lord Hill-Norton, to folk legend, Burl Ives.

Greer is married. He and his wife have four daughters and reside in the Charlottesville , VA area.


  • ISBN 0-9673238-0-0 Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications (paperback, 1999)
  • ISBN 0-9673238-1-9 Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History (paperback, 2001)
  • ISBN 0-9673238-2-7 Hidden Truth: Forbidden Knowledge (paperback, 2006)


  1. ^ Paula Peterson. "Star Visitors: Interview with Dr. Steven Greer". Earthcode International Network.

See also

External links

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