Cannabis Ruderalis

Richard Stanley may refer to:

Born January 9, 1943 in Brooklyn New York Lived in Brooklyn until the age of 11 when the family moved to East Meadow NY (Long Island) Attended the East Meadow public school system and graduated in June 1960. Briefly attended CW Post College in Westbury NY Spent several year doing odd jobs including draftsman and aluminum salesman. Decided to buy a motorcycle (250cc Yamaha) and set off to see the country First stop on that journey was to stop in Cleveland Ohio and ending up spending several months living with a second cousin Dr. Bobby Washnitzer and his wife. Eventually got a job as a laborer for a construction company refinishing cement floors. Eventually while borrowing Dr. Washnitzers car I had an accident with another car and was sighted for a traffic violation that did not seem fair. I contested it in court. While researching the law in the library of Western Reserve University I met a grad student Nancy Erich. We dated for a while and I convinced her to go traveling with me on my motorcycle. Before we left I was notified that I had to appear at the draft board at the famous. Whitehall Street (made famous by Arlo Guthrie) Nancy returned to her family in Rochester NY while I returned to Long Island to prepare for my physical examination at Whitehall Street. We reunited in NYC a week or so before the date of my physical. We met a boyhood friend of mine one evening who introduced me to the world of hashish. It was incredible. I never laughed so much or let myself go that much. A few days later Nancy and I stayed at a hotel in the Village. The following morning I set off by myself on the subway to endure my army physical. I was hoping to convince the army I was not a good candidate for their army. Apparently it worked as I received a temporary deferment. I was classified as unfit for service at the time unless things got really bad and than they would consider inducting me. With this good news Nancy wanted to introduce me to her family. A very straight laced WASPy family at that. We decided to from NYC to Rochester by bus as going by motorcycle may have made things even worse. We set off on the bus ride and made it to Albany NY where the bus broke down. We were told there would be a few hour delay and decided to hitchhike the rest of the way to Rochester. We approached a few tractor trailer drivers that were headed that way and one agree to take us and drop us off at the appropriate Rochester exit on the Hew York State Thruway. It was a fun ride. At the exit we phoned Nancy's parents and asked them to pick us up. They agreed and showed up in the family sedan along with Nancy's brother. The ride back to their hose was painful. Nobody talked at all for what seemed to be hours but was more like 45 minutes

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