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"My Lucky Charm (Scrubs)"

"My Lucky Charm" is the 82nd episode of the American sitcom Scrubs. It originally aired on January 25, 2005. The episode is dedicated to Teddy Ebersol, the son of Dick Ebersol.


Billy (Colin Farrell) has brought a guy to the hospital because he was knocked unconscious after a bar fight. At first J.D. and Turk think the guy is Billy's brother because that's what Carla told them. They later find out that it's not Billy's brother, but Billy doesn't know his name or any other information about him. Billy admits that he's the guy who knocked him out.

Billy is a free spirit who embraces life. He tries to impart that same spirit to J.D. and Turk. The way they act together, Billy initially thinks that they are closer than just friends, but they quickly explain that they are just good buddies. Billy's philosophy of experiencing new things extends to making out with Elliot. He almost kisses Carla after he tells her that her hair is curly, but Turk steps in just as she's about to kiss Billy.

Meanwhile, Carla and Elliot make elaborate plans to hang out only for them both to flake on them later. Janitor, deciding that he'll be "busting chops" today, reveals that Carla forgot all about them and Elliot lied about going to Cantonese class to get out of them. Their fight escalates when Billy gets involved being that they're both attracted to him.

Also, out of fear that he might get Jordan pregnant again (and that she might like this), Dr. Cox takes a leave of absence from the hospital to get a vasectomy. Worrying about the repercussions, he lies about it saying that he went on a fishing trip with his buddies, but Janitor "busts his chops" when he makes an improbable lie about a fish he caught. The truth gets to Jordan when Dr. Kelso recognizes the cause of the limp that he has. Cox expects the worst from Jordan when she finds out, but she surprises him by not going off on him. He asks why and she tells him that even though that she sometimes wishes that this were different, she's okay with the fact that they aren't open about everything since it works for them. Hoping to make things right, Cox has his doctor reverse the vasectomy.

After J.D. and Turk find out that Billy is the reason their patient is in the hospital, they can't decide whether to report him to the police for assault. It turns out that J.D. had already called the police, but he used Turk's name. The police take Billy away in handcuffs. He returns shortly to see the patient that he knocked out, who is now conscious and forgives Billy. Billy chides J.D. and Turk for not talking to him directly about what happened.

After Billy leaves, everyone realizes that they need to appreciate their lives and their relationships more. Elliot lightens up when she realizes that being a first-year newlywed is hard on Carla and Carla lightens up when she decides not to let the stress of being a newlywed interfere with her relationship with Elliot. Dr. Cox tells Jordan that even though he doesn't want to talk about everything, he does want to be more open with her about the things that really matter and she agrees. Unfortuantely for him, Jordan decides that a vesectomy is a good idea and has his penis operated on a third time. J.D. and Turk also decide to not let life at the hospital consume all of their time and choose to live it up a little more (by deciding to stay up past one in the morning and play Go Fish at a bar instead of their apartment).


  • Colin Farrell's character Billy Callahan asks for some IV in reference to JD and Turk cure for hangovers at the end of Season 2, My Dream Job

Production details

  • Colin Farrell's character Billy Callahan is named after Bill Callahan, who wrote and produced, among others, the episode "My Best Laid Plans".
  • This episode was dedicated in memory of Teddy Ebersol, the son of Dick Ebersol who died in a private jet crash. Teddy Ebersol's cousin, Christa Miller, is the wife of Scrubs creator Bill Lawrence.

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