Cannabis Indica

Abdulhakim Arvasi
Born 1865
Died 1943
Era Modern Era
Region Islamic philosophy
School Sunni Islam

Abdulhakim Arvasi or Sayyeed Abd al Haqeem-i Arvasi (1865–1943) was a Sunni Islamic scholar.


Arvasi lived in the times of the late Ottoman Empire and the early Republic of Turkey. He was one of the most profound Islamic scholars of his time and a mujtahid. Arvasi was a descendant of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, and hence he had the title sayyed (seyyid in Turkish) before his name. He is the 33rd sheikh of the Naqshbandi order.[1] He was born in Van,[2] Turkey. He received religious education from the famous scholar and walî Seyyid Fehim-i Arvasi. He was deeply learned in many worldly and religious sciences such as: natural sciences, hadith, tafsir and tasawwuf. Arvasi taught in Van for 30 years after which he moved to Istanbul as the Russian Army had invaded the eastern part of the country.[3] Arvasi taught in various madrasas and mosques of Istanbul for many years. Some of his most famous student was Necip Fazıl Kısakürek.[4] Arvasi died in Ankara in 1943[5] after decades of teaching of Islam. He is buried in Baglum Cemetery, Ankara.


  1. Muhammed el-Mustafa
  2. Ali ibni Ebî Tâlib
  3. Hasen el-Basrî
  4. Habîb el-Acemî
  5. Davûd et-Tâî
  6. Ma’rûf el-Kerhî
  7. Sırrî bin Müflis es-Sekatî
  8. Cüneyd el-Bağdâdî
  9. Ebû Amr ez-Zeccâc
  10. Ebû Osmân el-Mağribî
  11. Ebû Tâlib el-Mekkî
  12. İmâmü’l-harameyn Ebü’l-Meâlî Abdülmelik bin Abdillah bin Şeyh Yûsüf el-Cüveynî
  13. Hüccet-ül-İslâm Muhammed bin Muhammed el-Gâzâlî
  14. İmâm Fahrüddîn er-Râzî
  15. Kâtib el-Kazvînî
  16. Allâme eş-Şîrâzî
  17. Kutbüddîn er-Râzî
  18. Mübârekşâh el-Buhârî
  19. Şerîf el-Cürcânî
  20. Mevlânâ İmam Muhyîü’s-sünneti ve’d-dîn el-Kûşnâdî
  21. Ma’rûf el-Celî
  22. Şeyh Muhyiddîn İmâm an-Navavî
  23. Muhyiddîn el-Haddâd
  24. Mecdüddîn el-Fîrûzâbâdî
  25. Muzhirüddîn Muhammed el-Kazerûnî
  26. Necmüddîn Abdülgaffâr el-Kazvînî
  27. Muhammed bin Muhammed el-Cezerî
  28. İmam Ebü’l-Kâsım er-Râfiî
  29. Necmüddîn Abdülgaffâr el-Kazvînî
  30. Mevlânâ Celâlüddîn Muhammed el-Kazvînî
  31. Mahmûd bin Ebü’l-Feth er-Rüstâî
  32. Mevlânâ Allâme Tâcüddîn Mahmûd el-Fârûkî
  33. Şerîf Ali el-Cürcânî
  34. Muhammed ibni Es’ad es-Sıddîkî ed-Devânî
  35. Hâce Cemâlüddîn Mahmud eş-Şîrâzî
  36. Mevlânâ Mirzâ Can
  37. Nasrullah el-Halhâlî
  38. Zeynüddîn el-Bülânî
  39. Molla Ali
  40. Abdullah el-Esnevî
  41. Tâhâ el-Kürdî el-Kâdirî
  42. Haydarü’l-Evvel
  43. Haydarü’l-Evvel
  44. Haydar ibni Ahmed
  45. İbrâhim bin Haydar
  46. İsmâîl efendi es-Safevî
  47. Muhammed Sâlih efendi es-Safevî
  48. Molla Mahmûd el-Behdînî
  49. Molla Halil Ömer el-Es’ırdî
  50. Ebû Abdullah Molla el-Hasan el-Ahvedî el-Ensârî
  51. es-Seyyid Fehîm el-Arvâsî
  52. es-Seyyid Abdülhakîm el-Arvâsî


  • Er-Riyâd-üt-Tasavufiyye
  • Râbita-i Şerîfe
  • Keşkül
  • Sefer-i Âhiret
  • Eshâb-i Kirâm
  • Ecdâd-i Peygamberî


  1. ^ Riva Kastoryano, Turkey Between Nationalism and Globalization, p 55. ISBN 0415529239
  2. ^ Gareth Jenkins, Political Islam In Turkey, p 260
  3. ^ Itzchak Weismann, The Naqshbandiyya: Orthodoxy and Activism in a Worldwide Sufi Tradition, p 152
  4. ^ Touraj Atabaki, The State and the Subaltern: Modernization, Society and the State in Turkey, p 131
  5. ^ Riva Kastoryano, Turkey Between Nationalism and Globalization, p 55. ISBN 0415529239
  6. ^ İcâzet-Nâme-e Hüseyin Hilmi Işık


  • O ve Ben p.  (Turkish)
  • Hal Tercümesi (Turkish)

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