
Dating back to the Iron Age, Karnataka’s cuisine is said to be one of the oldest surviving in the country. It combines a range of flavours, ingredients and cooking techniques from its neighbouring states of Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu to the south and Maharashtra to the north, along with its own rich tapestry of gastronomic history.[1] Karnataka cuisine includes the cuisines of the different regions and communities of the Indian state of Karnataka, namely, Uttara Karnataka cuisine, Dakshina Karnataka cuisine, Udupi cuisine, Mangalurean cuisine, Kodava cuisine, Saraswat cuisine, Mangalurean Catholic cuisine and Navayath Muslim cuisine.[2][3]

See also[edit]


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One thought on “Cannabaceae

  1. Well, that’s interesting to know that Psilotum nudum are known as whisk ferns. Psilotum nudum is the commoner species of the two. While the P. flaccidum is a rare species and is found in the tropical islands. Both the species are usually epiphytic in habit and grow upon tree ferns. These species may also be terrestrial and grow in humus or in the crevices of the rocks.
    View the detailed Guide of Psilotum nudum: Detailed Study Of Psilotum Nudum (Whisk Fern), Classification, Anatomy, Reproduction

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