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How this document has been cited

On the question, as to what opinion shall be sufficient to render a person an incompetent juror on the trial of a criminal case, the authorities are still greatly divided. In Pennsylvania
A conditional, hypothetical, contingent, intermediate, floating, indefinite, uncertain opinion will not do
Otherwise where the witness said he had an opinion from reading a former trial, which opinion "it would take some evidence to remove."-
- in A Treatise on Criminal Procedure and one similar citation
"Where the opinions or impressions of the juror are founded on rumor and reports, or теп newspaper statements, which he feels conscious he can dis-550 Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginio.[Vol. xvi. miss; where he has no fixed belief or prejudice, and is able to say he can fairly try the prisoner" on the evidence, freed from the influence of such opinions or impressions …
On the other hand there are several courts which hold that an opinion based upon newspaper reports of a previous trial does disqualify.

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